Fruitopia Station .

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- Shawn POV :

"So you just gonna put me out like that?" Shawn yelled at his mom Debbie who has just kicked him out the house due to Shawn recent jail time .

"Cause I done told you bout that gettibng locked up shit , you know how I don't like that. Plus you used my house to sale Heroain and Coke , and on top of that you got these stank bitches running in and out when you know in right upstairs sleep and shit. Now take yo things and hit the door!" Debbie yelled back at Shawn like the adult he think his. She reached behind her and grabbed O3 black bags that were sitting on the foot of the stairs and put them in his hand.

" Ma please don't do me like that , I'm sorry I have no where else to go."

" I'm sorry too but I can't do this anymore , I'm getting old. I can't keep paying people to take bail money to you. So your gonna have to go. "

" Please ma , I'm begging you. " He started crying like he never did before, knowing he had nowhere to go. Than someone came to his mind, DAVONNA. She'll be more than happy to have him there.

" I'm sorry baby. "

Shawn picked up his bags and headed out the door after making sure he had his car keys , phone , and wallet.

Walking to his car and putting his bags in he hopped in. He startes his car and took off with Chief Keef blasing through the speakers.

About O20 minutes later he arrived at Davonna house. You would never think a girl like her would like in such a nice house with white long columes and big windows.

I took a deep breathe and knocked on the door, soon she answered with herself standing between the door and door frame.

"What did I tell you about making beats on my door?" Davonna said to him.

"Girl it ain't that deep."

"Anyways whatcha need? "

" Is it okay if I stay with you for awhile? " Shawn asked hoping for a yes.

" Uhmm, sure why not. "

" Thanks ."

I ran back to my car and grabbed my bags. walking back to the house and going inside with Davonna following close behind me .

you would never think Davonna would live in a house like this , not because of the way she look but because of her different attitudes .

many people say I look like Riff Raff but a little darked and with dreads . Davonna kind of looks like Penny Proud from The Proud Family (:

" this is you room for the next few days . " Davonna announced as I came out of my daydream .

" thanks , I'll yell if I need anything . "

" just don't bug me nigga . " she yelled as she walked down the stairs .

after she left I settled down and unpacked my clothes putting the in the drawer . the room she gave me was big its about the size of the living room back home . I really miss home already , I miss my mom most of all .

Debbie POV :

" Ryan pass me a beer hoe . " debbie shouted to ryan over the loud music that was playing in the background .

I know what your wondering what kind of parent throws a party after she kicked her only son out if the house , well I do any he was O23 he needed to leave .

" here Debbie now shut up and try to sober down please you had one drink to many . your 57 you don't need to be drinking at all honey . " ryan loudly said to debbie .

- tbccccc #Hannnn , y'all can always hmu w/ ideas and ish but it has to follow my plot . #CheckOut my stories , please and thank you .

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