Chapter 4: Amanda

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                                                             Chapter  4


I feel bad for leaving Emily alone because I know that she was lying when she said “I‘m fine“ I just didn‘t want to bother her about it, in my opinion its good that she would cry and she has to grieve but it made me a little mad that she would lie to me but I actuallty don‘t think she‘s been doing very well lately, because of everything that‘s happened its no surprise. But danny just sounded so nervous on the phone and like there is something wrong so I kind of have to leave Emily and hurry to Danny‘s home.

I walked over to his house because I didn‘t have my car and it was the only thing I could do to get to danny, I didn‘t have any money on me so I couldn‘t get a cab.

When I was finally at his street, I saw Danny standing outside his front door. Probably waiting for me. I jog to him and ask what were wrong but he didn‘t answer he just takes me up to his room.

“Danny!“ I say kind of loud but not loud enough for his parents to hear though. “What‘s wrong?“

“There is nothing wrong?..I just have to tell you something“ He replies confused

“What is so important that you couldn‘t tell me on the phone?“

“Uhm..I‘m maybe going to another school“ He says rubbing the back of his neck

“What! Why?“ I say angry and confused

“I don‘t want to! I knew you would get mad so that‘s why I wanted to tell you in person not on the phone. I‘m changing schools because my mom and dad think that that other school is a lot better school and they have such high expectations for me, you know that!“

“I know, I know.“ I sigh “But what if you get alot of new friends there and forget about your friends here and maybe you‘ll meet some girl and you‘ll want her over me..What fucking if! I‘ve also heard stories about girls there talking about you and they are all dying over you. I can‘t lose you, and I know for sure that you‘ll change if you go to another school “ I say, this is making me so angry and sad, maybe he won‘t understand but I know for sure that he‘ll change. He‘s the best thing in my life and I just can‘t lose him, I can‘t even think of us not being together. Maybe I am reacting to this wrong and making a big deal out of this and maybe I shouldn‘t care but I do, I do. I mean, a lot would change if we weren‘t in the same school together anymore.

“That won‘t happen! Sure i‘ll get new friends but you and the others will always be my best friends! I‘m not going to meet some other girl, you‘re my girl! I don‘t want anyone else and you‘re sure as hell not gonna lose me!“ He replies with a high voice. Then he runs he‘s fingers through my hair and smiles “But i‘m just maybe changing schools, hopefully i‘m not“

“I love you!“ I lean to him and kiss him, “Fingers crossed“ I say.

“I love you too baby! Yeah fingers crossed“

I laugh “I‘m making kind of a big deal out if this, aint I?“ I say sitting on his bed which has superman sheets, how cute.

“Nah, you‘re not. I would think of all the same things too if it were you changing schools and I would probably get alot more angrier“ He replies and sits next to me.

I just could not handle losing Danny. He‘s the one that always makes me happy and he‘s the reason I am who I am today, if I had never met him I would most likely still be that bitch ass cheerleader that I was and maybe even still be best friends with Cindy, me and Cindy actually have history together. We used to be best friends once until I met Danny, being with Cindy you become a bitch too, well at least that‘s what happened to me. The only reason I started hanging out with her is because I wanted to become popular and trust me, I regret that. In high school being popular is not about having a lot of friends, I wish it was but no unfortunately it‘s not. Its just about beauty, sluttyness and if you‘re rich and throw good parties then you‘re doing good.

I‘m ashamed of my past, its not fun remembering your freshman‘s and sophomore‘s years as one of the sluts, I don‘t even know how many guys I‘ve kissed and had sex with, I used to drink a lot more than I do now and I did too many stupid things while I was drunk. I used to throw a lot of parties and some of them are still being talked about, I guess it‘s not bad having a dad who owns a big company.

After we had cuddled in his bed for an hour and a half I told him I should be getting home so my dad wouldn‘t get worried about me not coming home last night, that was the only thing I could think off as an excuse to go home but hopefully it won‘t have to be an excuse. My dad got used to me not coming home at nights when I was a freshman and a sophomore so I guess he won‘t care now. But I hope he will 'cause then maybe I‘ll know if he actually cares about me or not.

Dont get me wrong, I love my dad and he‘s been a good dad but after my mom left us he has kind of lost it and the fact that he‘s engaged to a women who is half his age is just kind of sick, she could even be my sister but I like her, she‘s really nice and fun to be with so I‘m fine with them being together. I‘m just really glad that my dad has finally found someone that will actually treat him right unlike mom.

While we walked to the front door Danny asks “Babe, I‘m driving you to school tomorrow, right?“

“Of course!“ He drives me to school every Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. The other days I either walk or my dad drives me. I hate that I keep failing my driving test, ugh!

“Okay see you tomorrow then, bye!“ He says and presses his soft lips against mine giving me a gentle kiss. I kiss him back. Nothing feels better than kissing him.

“Yeah bye, see ya!“ I say smiling

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2013 ⏰

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