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'He's going to kiss me...'

Souma pinched Tamako's flushed cheeks. "Ow..." She whined with a silly voice.

He chuckled, clearly amused. "What? Did you think I was gonna kiss you?"

She averted her golden-brown eyes, feeling insecure. "I'm not stupid." She mumbled, trying to assure herself despite him making her feel stupid.

"You're right." He acknowledged. "It was the right mood, and I had you pinned down." He finally sat back and allowed the girl to sit up. "But I wouldn't kiss anyone unless she kissed me first." He grinned.

"There aren't many girls that would go for that." She commented.


"Has it ever worked for you?"


"That means 'no.'"

"Who said that?" He tilted his head to the side curiously.

Tamako sighed, knowing she wouldn't really get anywhere if she questioned him. "Hey, what happened to the popcorn?"

"Eh?" He blinked for a moment, realizing that he had totally forgotten about it and left it in the microwave. "Crap."

The brunette erupted into laughter.

"Don't laugh at me." He huffed through a grin.

"I'm sorry, but it's funny."

"Well, the popcorn is ruined." He sighed, putting in another bag and throwing away the burnt one. "I'll put in another one."

"Don't get distracted this time." She advised.

"Don't flatter yourself, Tamako-chan."

"I wasn't. Hey, do you have any movies?" She changed the topic, visually searching his apartment again, seeing that there was a decent-sized television.

Souma returned to the room, carrying a large bowl of freshly-made popcorn, which was luckily not burnt. "Did you want to watch a movie?"

"Mm, kind of." She nodded. "But we don't have to if you don't want to. I mean, we are in your home."

"I don't mind. There are movies in the cabinet by the T.V."

Thus, she got up and opened the cabinet to search through the DVD's, only to be surprised when she only saw one genre. Nearly all of his movies were romance comedies, and she couldn't suppress a giggle.

Curious about why she was laughing, Souma approached her and peered over her shoulder.

"You like romantic comedies, don't you?"

"That's classified."

"Well, all of your movies are romantic comedies. I think you really like them."

"Still classified."

"Not anymore." Tamako hummed, pleased that she was able to discover something new about the boy. "I enjoy them, too." She pulled one from the center shelf labeled, 'Orange.' "This one is probably my favorite, although it's not really a comedy."

"I know." Souma commented.

"Of course you do."

The bluenette set up the movie before dimming the lights and sitting next to the girl, wearing his typical, blissful expression. The bowl of popcorn was between them and the brunette's knees were pulled to her chest.

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