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Two weeks passed. Tamako became a regular employee at Wagnaria as a waitress, yet when Satou was given days off, she managed to fill in to keep the kitchen from being understaffed. She had become a reliable worker, even becoming loved by Kyouko from making her food when Yachiyo had days off.

With the start of her daytime job, she had taken some time off from performing. But after establishing herself, she was ready to sing and play on stage again.

And one Saturday, after working a morning shift at Wagnaria, she had a show booked at a popular bar in the city. She found herself to be lucky to even get the space on the busiest night of the week.

She was extremely excited as she zipped her keyboard in its case and slung it over her shoulders.

The venue seemed just as excited to have her perform for them and their customers.

"Hey, girl!" An unfamiliar man called out to her while she was setting up her keyboard and microphone stand. She had gotten similar comments before in these situations, whether they were sober or intoxicated, and she was used to it. She dealt with it not by pushing them away, but responding calmly and kindly knowing that such men would be in her audience.

So, she grinned as she plugged cables into the keyboard and hooked up the sustain pedal.

"Are ya singin' for us t'nigh'" His slurred, minimally articulated words signified that he was already drunk.

"Yes sir, I am." She answered.

"Ah, It'll be nice to ha' a young pretty thing up there." He mumbled as he stumbled away.

The drunken old man wasn't the only one who enjoyed the performance. The entire bar -- at least the customers that were still cognate -- clapped along with her songs and sang along in the choruses.

One day, she dreamed of playing bigger gigs than in a bar. But for now, she was content and happy with the smaller performances.

Resting on a joyous high after a two hour set list, Tamako hummed as she started to walk back to her apartment in the dark. She was completely lost within her own mind, unsuspecting to the dangers that were in the shadows of the tall buildings and alleys.

She didn't hear the lazy shuffling behind her.

"Ey..." A male voice said, and she finally noticed him. "C'mere, pretty girl." He said with drunken slurs.

Tamako's nerves rose, but she wasn't too scared. After all, it was just one intoxicated man barely any older than her.

"Hello." She greeted.

"You got anywhere to go tonight?" He asked, his watery eyes faced her.

She laughed uncomfortably. "Home."

"Mm, why don't'cha come with me?" He hummed.

"Eheh... I'm okay." She raised her hands in a mild attempt to form a barrier between she and the man.

"C'mon..." He reached for her. At first, he didn't make it past her hands.

But as soon as he missed her, his drunken mindset transformed into anger. He grabbed her wrists tightly, and she wasn't strong enough to free herself.

"Hey!" She yelped, furrowing her brows. "That's enough." She declared.

But the man forced himself closer to her. He grabbed her by the waist and tugged her so that his arms embraced her.

"Stop it!" She cried loudly, now scared that she couldn't push him away.

"Hey, now." A familiar low voice said seriously. Tamako was lurched from the intoxicated man's grasp and pulled into another man's strong, safe arms. "What do you think you're doing with my Tamako-chan?"

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