chapter 4: making hard choices.

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Phillip's POV

College just let out as my friends and I left school. It was becoming hard to stay normal when I'm around them. How was I suppose to get that info for that adams guy without arousing naoto's suspicions. I was so deep in thought Chie waved a hand in front of me.

"Hey earth to Phillip." She said. I jumped as I looked at her.

"Sorry what did you say?" I asked without trying to sound panicky.

"You up for going to Junes?" Chie asked "I bet yosuke can get us a discount on some good steaks!"

"Ugh will you shut up about your steaks and stop using me for discounts!" Yosuke groaned.

"I'm up for it as long it's not too fatty." Yukiko said cheerfully. Maybe a meal could clear my head a bit.

"I'm could use a meal too." I crack a smile. Chie beamed as he rubbed it in yosuke's face.

"Looks like you lose this one." She said with an evil grin.

"Fine! God I hate it when you do this!" Yosuke said in frustration. We all chuckled as we walked to the Junes store and headed to the food court. We sat down at our usual table as yosuke order our meals at the stands. I was again in deep thought as I tried to figure out my plan to send the data from naoto's laptop without getting caught. Just then my cell phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID. Without a doubt it had to be doctor adams.

"Excuse me guys" I said with a force smile as I left the table. I went to the far end of the court and took a deep breath before I answered.

"What do you want?!" I hissed.

"Having fun with your friends?" He asked cheerfully.

"All spoiled thanks to your interruption asshole." I said angerly. "There has to be a reason you called."

"Indeed there is. Have you figure out how to send Shirogane's info to me from her laptop yet?"

"I'm thinking I'm thinking!" I said hotly. "You know this pressure isn't helping me I'm doing the best I can!"

"But I know you can do better. You have talent and charm with your friends. I'm sure you can think of something to get the information swiftly to me. Well I'll let you go. Enjoy your lunch." Adams chuckled before he hung up. I put my phone back in my pocket and squeezed the hand railings. Anger overwhelmed me. I had to take a few deep breaths and look into town to regain my composure. Once I finally calmed down I went back to my friends they already had their meals on the table.

"Hey there he is." Rise said happily. "Dig in before you're meal gets cold." Again I had to force a smile.

"I will! Just let me get my favorite beverage. Start eatting without me." I said as I went to the stands and waited in line with other people. As I got my wallet out I overheard my friends conversation.

" it me or has phillip been acting odd lately?" Rise asked.

"He has been acting strangely yes." Naoto said "It's not like him to act like this."

"Guys come on the dude just lost his mother. He's still trying to pick himself up so don't give him a hard time." Said Kanji as he bite into his steak. Good old Kanji is watching the back. I only wish that were the truth.

"But still...I just have this feeling...that he's hiding something." Naoto said. Oh crap she has those detective feelings kicking in.

"If he wants to talk about it then let him. But for now let's not press on the subject. He's already gone through alot. Just let him be." Said Yu. Thanks to him they change the subject on something else. I finally reached the stand and paid my beverage before rejoining my friends.

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