Chapter 1

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One month ago...

"Fuck you! And that fucking shit you call your son!!!!" He roars out, slamming his palms on my chest to harshly shove me back. He's drunk. Again.

I tremble as I try to calm him down. It won't work, it never does, but I never stop trying.

Quivering I gently try to speak to him, "Dylan, please, you're drunk... Let me lay you down."

When will this ever stop? Every single night of him coming home piss drunk, violent and a man I will forever regret falling in love with.

"Bitch, Fuck. You!" He seethes into my face. His rough hands take hold of my upper arms in a crushing grip where his nails dig until they can touch my bones. I don't cry out, but the pain is there, I cannot wake up my baby.

"Dylan, you're hurting me." I whimper out, my terrified dark brown eyes lock on his cold black ones. Once upon a time I adored those they torment me.

Only then his lips curl up into a smug grin, "Good." With that he releases me only to backhand my face. The sting lasts about a second before he's landing a punch to my other cheek. The punch doesn't leave a sting, it leaves a huge ache, it knocks reality into me, leading me to fall on the carpeted ground. Since the movement is so sudden I accidentally end up knocking down a delicate glass cup, it shatters under my palms as I involuntary fall on top of it. This time I let out a low, pained grunt as the glass splinters my skin and digs in. The blood is instant, running out of me like a mini river. Shit! I'm probably going to need that stitched up however I'm running out of excuses for needing to go to the ER. 

"Stop! Please stop!" I cry out as he nears me, a dark look overtaking his once handsome features.

"Stop? Why should I stop when you have ruined everything for me?!"- His lips curl in utter disgust as he looks down at my bleeding hands- "So you know what? No, I won't stop... It's what you deserve for taking my life!" His voice begins to raise.

I don't know what he's talking about. It's not true, I didn't take anything from him, not a single fucking dime. He's the one who took everything away from me.

He lifts his shoe covered foot to probably kick me but he stops when, what I was praying to not happen, happens.

"Mommy?" My sons horror filled voice fills the already thick air. 

My eyes immediately skid right over to him. He stands in the hallway in his blue, dinosaur pajamas, clutching his favorite stuffed monkey. My heart cracks a little as his light brown eyes begin to get glassy when they take hold of my position on the floor, my hands leaking out blood as I cradle them to my chest.

"Baby, mommy just had a little accident... Go back to your room, I'll be there in a moment, okay?" I tell him as softly as I can, forcing myself to give him a reassuring smile.

My baby, my only saving grace, the only good thing that ever came out of Dylan. 

"No, Hayden, get your stupid ass over here." The fucking monster barks out to my innocent son.

No, I will not let him get hurt. So help me god if I will allow him to hurt my son.

I watch in abject horror as my son takes shaky step towards his shitty father, his hold on his stuffed monkey visibly lightning. Once in arms reach of his father, Dylan rips Hayden's favorite toy out of his arms, flinging it across the room.

"Stuffed toys are for fucking pussy's", He barks out as his glare holes down to my baby.

I can see Hayden's chin quiver but he doesn't cry, all he does is nod his head in a hasty manner. 

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