Chapter 6

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"Fantastic! Everything is running smoothly. Alright boys. Get to know each other or what ever. I need to check on something. Don't touch anything!" I say, then go to another corridor.

**Harry's POV**

"So, what year and where are you from... I guess?" I asked the boys.

"I'm from Doncaster, 2009," Louis says.

"Bradford, 2009," says Zayn.

"Wolverhampton, 2009," Liam said, looking down.

"And I'm from Mullingar, 2009. And you're from Cheshire, 2009," Niall says.

I started humming one of my favorite songs.

"Hey, what's that you're humming?" Liam asked.

"Oh it's 'Living On A Prayer' by Bon Jovi," I say, smiling.

"Hey! Why don't we have a sing-along?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah we can pass the time, even though we'll be there soon," Louis said.

"Tommy used to work on the docks, unions been on strike, he's down on his luck, it's tough, so tough," Zayn started singing.

We sang through the song and got to the final line.

"Living on a prayer," Louis sang, finishing the song.

**the Doctor's POV**

I could hear the boys singing from where I was working. I walked in right when they finished the song.

"That was fantastic boys. Simply fantastic!" I say

"Wait, you heard that?" Niall asked.

"Yup," I say.

"And it was good?" Liam asked.

"Yup," I say. "Anyway, we're here so come along now." I walk to the door and open it, then walk out with the boys following me. I scan the wall of a building.

"Doctor where are we?" Harry asked.

"I don't believe this," I say to myself.

"Doctor what is it?" Zayn asked.

"Boys," I say, turning around. "We're in a spaceship."

"What?" They all asked in unison.

"And there may... or may not be... dinosaurs... on this... spaceship," I say, then turn around.

"What?!?" They practically screamed.

"Shhhhhhh," I hush them. "You'll disturb the dinos."

"Great. Just great," Louis said.

"Well, this is fantastic," I mutter and get my screwdriver and flash the light around. "Be very quiet," I say.

A Girl and a Box (Doctor Who/ One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now