Chapter 7

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I flash the light around the room.

"Okay. Be very quiet and follow me," I say. "And watch where you-" I start, then see a door go up. I turn around and see Louis leaning against the wall. "Louis!" I whisper yell.

"Oops," he says, and gets off the wall. I turn and see a triceratops coming towards us.

"Be very quiet," I say, and walk towards it. I gently pet it's face.

"C'mon guys," I say, climbing on his back. "He's really friendly!"

"Are you sure about this?" Liam asked.

"Yup!" I say. Louis climbs on.

"It's not bad. C'mon guys!" Louis says. Soon we're all on the dinosaur.

"So, Doctor, how old are you?" Zayn asked.

"About 900," I say, controlling where we're walking.

"900?" Harry asked.

"907 to be exact," I say.

"Are you an alien?" Niall asked.

"You could say that."

"Where are you from?" Louis asked.


"Where's that?" Liam asked.

"Another universe."

"Stop. Who goes there?" A robotic voice asked.

"I'm the Doctor and these are my companions, Liam, Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Harry," I reply to the robot.

"What are you doing here?"

"Stoping your ship from crashing into Earth."

"Just leave us alone!" Niall says. A small laser came out of the robot and hit Niall's shoulder.

"Niall!" Liam yelled and helped him off the dinosaur. I got off also.

"Here, Liam hold this," I gave Liam a band aid. "This won't hurt a bit," I poked Niall's arm with a needle.


"I lied."

"What happened to him?" Louis asked.

"He got a slight burn but he'll be fine now," I say, putting the band aid on his arm. "There you go!" I say, patting his back.

"Who is it?" I hear a hoarse voice ask from behind the robot.

"It's the Doctor and her companions," the robot says.

"Doctor? Bring her here," the voice says. The robot picks me up then takes me to the voice. "Hello dear Doctor," the voice says.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"A man who needs help. You see I lost my legs and I'm in need of them fixed. Help me?"

"I will help you," I began to work on his legs. "Boys, go somewhere else for the time being.

"I'll stay here," Louis said.

**Liam's POV**

Niall, Zayn, Harry, and I rode away on the triceratops.

"So what are we gonna do?" Zayn asked.

"Let's find somewhere where it's safe then we can figure something out." I say. After riding on the back of the dinosaur, we found a room that had a screen where we could see Louis. We could hear the Doctor working in the background.

"So, what are your future plans?" We hear the Doctor ask the man.

"To take this ship down with you in it," he says, and gets up. He hits a switch. "Well I'm off. Bye bye now!" He says and walks to a pod which then disconnects with the ship leaving us in it. Louis and the Doctor walk over to the screen. They can't see us, but we can see them, and computer controls.

"Does the ship have defense stuff?" Louis asks.

"This is fantastic! Louis you genius!" The Doctor exclaims and kisses him on the lips. He pulls back in horror. We see the computer come up with an error code.

"Shame on you Louis for getting my hopes up like that!" She says, smacking him on the face.

"What kind of ship doesn't have defenses?" Louis asks to no one in particular.

"We need to help them," Harry said. Once again, we mounted onto the dino and we were off.

**The Doctor's POV**

"Hello," I hear Louis' voice and I turn to see the others riding atop the dino.

"Boys. Great, your here we help with the compu-" I said but was cut off by Liam.

"Here I got it," he said, and did some stuff that sent the ship away from the earth.

"Amazing Liam!" I say and hug him. "Well I believe it's time to depart from here."

"What about Tri?" Niall asked.

"Tri?" I say, confused.

"Yeah, we named him," he said, patting the dinosaur.

"I guess he can come, I mean, there's a room for him in the TARDIS," I say smiling. I lead Tri to the room and let him go in it. I head back upstairs. "So boys, where to now?"

"Let's go to 1982!" Zayn says.

"Alright!" I push a few buttons and we're off.

"You're crazy, you know that?" Liam said standing next to me as we took off.

"Well, I am a mad woman with a box."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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