Chapter Twenty One

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In the afternoon Grace has to head off to interview someone for an article she's writing, so Sarah decides to go to the Double Baller and chat with Mamrie. She doesn't like being cooped up inside when she's alone, and Mamrie seems like a good person to talk to about the subject she needs to discuss; asking Grace to get an apartment with her.

It's 4:30pm when Sarah pushes the doors to the bar open, and since it's a Saturday afternoon not many people are in the bar yet. Sarah goes and takes a seat at a stool at the bar. "Hey Mames!" She greets with a smile. The red head smiles back.

"Hey Sarah, it's good to see you again! You and Grace have a good time in Jersey?" Mamrie responds.

"It was really great, Grace's family is so nice."

"That they are. Anyways, what can I do for you?"

"I'm not looking for a drink so much as wanting to ask your opinion on something."

"Alright shoot!"

"I was wondering, how do you think Grace would respond if I asked her to get an apartment with me? My lease on the place I'm in is up at the end of the month and I just found out this morning my mother now knows where I live, which is not great, so I need to find a new place anyways." Sarah explains a little, Mamrie listening intently.

"Honest opinion, I think Grace would about scream with excitement." Mamrie replies with a chuckle. "That girl has been head over heels for you since day one, and I'm more than one hundred percent positive she'd say yes."

"Really?" Sarah asks.

"Yes! Just prepare yourself for a lot of weird choices in home decor." Mamrie jokingly warns, making Sarah laugh.

"I'll remember that, thanks Mame." She says.

"No problem Sar." Mamrie replies. "If you don't mind my asking, why is it bad your mother knows where you live?"

"Ah well, to put it simply, she and I have our differences when it comes to my choice in romance, if you catch my drift." Mamrie nods, realizing right away what she means.

"I see I see. I'm sorry about that." She remarks.

"Thanks, but it's alright. Things other than that are really good right now." Sarah voices.

"I'm really glad you and Grace ended up meeting." Mamrie comments. "She was so unhappy where she was, pretending to enjoy being with Chester and repressing her sexuality so much. But you helped her figure her shit out and she's a lot happier because of it."

"That means a lot to hear from you Mame, considering you're her best friend." Sarah replies. "She makes me a better person, a more open person, and I can never thank her enough for that." Mamrie smiles upon hearing that. "Is there anyone special in your life, Mamrie?" Sarah asks, raising her eyebrows in a jokingly seductive manner.

"I don't date em, I just fuck em." Mamrie says with a laugh. "Dating isn't really my style." Sarah nods, chuckling a little at Mamrie's comment herself.

"Whatever floats your boat." She says. "I'm going to have to run, Grace will be home soon and I'll have to bring up the topic of the apartment. Thanks again Mames."

"Anytime! And tell Grace she needs to come chat more often, she's neglecting her best friend." Mamrie jokes.

"I'll make sure to mentions that." Sarah laughs.


"Honey, I'm home!" Sarah calls into the apartment when she steps inside. She hears Grace's laugh coming from the kitchen, and she finds Grace writing her article at the kitchen counter. "How was the interview?"

"Good! I got everything I needed, now I just need to finish up the article by Monday." Grace replies, her brain in work mode. "What did you do while I was gone?"

"I went and chatted with Mamrie, actually." Sarah answers. Grace looks up from the computer, surprised.

"Oh really? What did you two chat about?" She asks.

"Well that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about..." Sarah trails off. Grace furrows her brow, confused.

"Um okay, haha, what's up?" She inquires.

"So the lease on this apartment lets up at the end of this month, and now that the crazy bitch I call my mother knows where I live I figured I needed to find somewhere new, and I was wondering if you'd like to officially move in and we could choose an apartment together?" Sarah rambles. Grace's eyes widen in shock.

"Yes oh my god I'd love to!" She squeals, running around the counter to give Sarah a chaste kiss.

"Really you'd like that?" Sarah asks, her voice filled with relief.

"It would be amazing babe." Grace answers.

"I'm glad you think so!" Sarah voices. "We can start apartment hunting tomorrow if you want, since we're both off work."

"That would be lovely." Grace agrees.

A/N- it is currently 3:31pm and I'm now listening to "Casual Affair" by Panic! At The Disco (quality song tbh).

Comments, critiques, and ideas to my inbox lovelies! <3

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