Chapter Six

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The next morning Kiran woke up extra early and writes Blake and Tori a note saying “Sorry I have to because of work so I hope to see you guys soon Kiran”. So he places the note on the kitchen bench and closes the door behind himself and walks down the path way to work. So a couple of hours later Tori wakes up and notices that Blake is still asleep, so she just looks at his peacefully face for a while and then quietly goes down stairs and makes a coffee and just has some thinking time to herself. So while she’s thinking she then thinks about the relationship between her and Blake. So she then decides to make him some breakfast in bed. So she makes egg and bacon with banana pancakes. So while its all cooking she makes fresh  orange to drink. So when its all ready she heads up stairs and wakes Blake up with a kiss. So he then opens his eyes to find Tori standing in front of him with breakfast her hands, so he says “Morning Tori, buts up you’ve made me breakfast in bed”. So she starts to laugh at him and she replies “Blake every thing’s fine I just thought it would be a nice change for once. So she gets on the bed and sits next to Blake and they both eat the yummy breakfast happily. So when they finished Blake says “I have to give it to that was the best breakfast I have tasted ever”. So they both laugh for a while until Blake leans in and kisses her, so as they were kissing they both realize that they forgot about Kiran but they just ignore that thought and keep kissing. So when they finally parted they just stared at each other for a while, Blake brakes the silence and says “Tori when you went down stairs did you see Kiran down their at all”. But Tori just shock her head but all she wanted was to kiss Blake so so badly but she knew better. So instead  she asked him “Blake can I ask you something” so Blake turns toward her and says “Anything”. So Tori takes a deep breath and says “I have always wondered if you knew that you only had one day left with person you loved so much, what would you do”. So Blake takes a breath and says “Tori we both know the answer who I love the most and thats you. So I would first take you on the most beautiful boat cruise, then I would take you on a picnic in a meadow just like the one in twilight. Then we would sit under the stars and try to count them all until we fell asleep”. So Blake then looked down at Tori and noticed she was silently crying, so he put a arm around her and said “Hey, it’s alright”. So Tori then looked up at him and said “Blake that sounds like a day that would last a life time”. So they both hugged for a while until Blake looked down at Tori but she was staring of in the distance so Blake then turned his head and looked where she was looking and if he looked hard enough, he could see someone smiling at them both. So with out looking away Blake whispered in Tori’s ear “Tori how long have you noticed him there” and Tori said quietly “Not that long ago”. So Blake then hugged her when he heard the super creep talk saying “Well what have we here 2 love birds of my dead friends”. So Blake then says “Umm… dude I have a few questions for you, if you don’t mind answering”. So the super creepy man then thinks for a while and then replies “I know something better then that how about we all go down stairs and we have a little chat”, so Blake and Tori both nod and the super creep says “Umm… I forgot to tell you my name, my name is Patrick O’Connor”. So Blake then says “Patrick would you like to come down stairs and have a cup of coffee with us”. And Patrick gives him a smile and they head down stairs. So Tori heads of  to the kitchen to make the coffee and Blake and Patrick go and sit at the table. While Tori’s making the coffee Patrick says “This a beautiful house”. So Blake says “Thank you” and Tori comes over and hands the coffee to the boys and she sits down with her hot chocolate. So Tori then says “Patrick I was wondering where did you come from because you have a little bit of an ascent”. So Patrick took a sip of his coffee and then replied “Okay then I’ll tell my version of the story behind his whole mess but you have to promise you won’t tell the police”. So Blake and Tori both promise on their grand mothers cat. So Patrick then says “Heres my version of the story”.

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