Chapter 5: Just the beginning

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It turned into a cold, dark, and rainy night, a night where darkness consumed light. I stood there staring at the twisted face of the flood. Memories of the ugly fuckers ran through my head. Autumn walked to me and put her hand on my shoulder, "Come one we have to get going." Suddenly the noise of a tree crashing towards the ground caught our attention. I looked at my radar, "I'm detecting a lot of enemies in our area." Mac looked around, "Cloaker fucks around us." The newest of our squad, Ivan, had looked frightened, although I was the only one who noticed it. I've always had a sense of feeling the emotions of other beings by looking at them. "Ivan you should calm down." Ivan looked towards me and nodded a bit. He didn't calm down, bit he didn't shake as much. Suddenly more blips of red on my radar appeared, my radar was basically red now. "We're surrounded, be careful", Autumn said. "Everybody get to cover, they're not close enough to know we're all here", I said. They all obeyed my command. I noticed then that the ones watching noticed my allies but they looked at me. They all charged at once 10 of them. They ignored my allies and they went straight for me. Their active camouflage turned off as they thought I was just a spartan about to die, with allies that could do nothing. They were specialists, stealth elites. They all leaped forward drawing their energy swords, calculating where to strike together, but not accidentally strike each other. I leaped into the air as soon as they each landed, drawing a pistol and a dagger. While in the air I shot one in the neck, my comrades turned towards them and fired. "It's an ambush, save your bullets." I landed on another elite smashing his head onto the ground, cracking his armor and his skull. Another elite leaped towards me, but I noticed him quickly and moved a bit to the left as soon as he was five feet away from me. As soon as his energy sword was past me, I grabbed his arm and flung him downwards, stabbing his energy sword into the ground. From above came specialist ranked rangers. They shot at me first, but I didn't flinch. Ivan asked Miguel, "How is it that he doesn't budge even when shot at." Miguel replied with, "He's battle-hardened right to the core, nothing makes him flinch." I spun clockwise in a 360 degree rotation firing 4 shots. The Rangers fell to the ground dead. The elites that were cloaked dead, but we only counted 9 bodies. Then I heard it, the energy sword drawn, a cold feeling made my body shiver as I turned around. I yelled, "IVAN!"

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