The TV

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Julia's POV

It was 7:00 in the morning, and I toppled off my top-bunk bed. "Owwww..." I howled in pain. "Shut it, twerp." John said as his foot bulleted towards my head. My reflexes were too fast because of living here for 9 years, and I grabbed his foot and twisted it. "YOU LITTLE...." He shouted, but was quick to not say anything he would regret. Mrs. Brentolen hears EVERYTHING that goes on in here. I decided not to say anything back to John, and I went downstairs to look at what's on the news.
When I arrived downstairs, the TV was already on turned to channel 4 GMA! My favorite! I thought to myself, and suddenly, I gasped "Internet Star Felix Kjellberg, also known as Pewdiepie on YouTube, is in Connecticut today to adopt a child. Who will it be? Tune in, in 2 hours to find out on GMA." Robin Roberts exclaimed. I think she likes Pewdiepie too.

As I went to the kitchen to grab my cereal, I heard the door open, and Ms. Brentolen said "Welcome to Grenwich Orphanage! I am pleased that you chose us to adopt from! There is a lot of hullabaloo about you on the news!" It can't be. It cant be. Or can it...

Authors note:
Sorry for the cliffhanger :P
I don't feel like editing because I am too lazy... 😂😂 Hope you enjoyed!

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