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It can't be. It can't be. Or can it...

Trying not to seem too eager, I bolted upstairs and got dressed, then sprinted back downstairs with my Pewdiepie shirt on, and my blue jeans, and my custom brofist sneakers on. Just in case I thought. Maybe it's him.

I casually walked into the meeting room, only to see Pewdiepie. Yeah. It was him. I kinda started freaking out in my head, and I walked out of the room to celebrate when... "Julia!" Mrs. Brentolen called after me "Yes Mrs. B?" I said as politely as possible, so I came off as behaved to Pewdiepie "Well, you're in a good mood today. I'd like you to meet someone." I started panicking. She's gonna introduce me to Pewdiepie... "Hi there Julia!" Felix exclaimed, outstretching his hand to shake. "H.. Hi! I'm a huge fan." I pointed to my shirt and my shoes. "I see that!" He laughed and smiled his cute smile, and I almost melted. Everyone made fun of me for my love of Pewdiepie, but if I get adopted by him, they'll never do that again. I heard someone walking downstairs. I turned around. Ugh... John. He came into the meeting room and scoffed. "Pfft. You think you're gonna be adopted by him? In your dreams, twerp." I started to cry. To my surprise, Pewdiepie put his arm around me and said "Is she the only girl here?" He scratched his face with his other hand. "Yes, she is. Julia is 11, John is 14 and Timmy, who is still sleeping, is 4." Mrs. Brentolen replied to him. "Then this is who I want." I stopped crying, and beamed with joy. "Really?!" I said in disbelief "Yep, Marzia is gonna be so excited!" I went upstairs to say goodbye to Timmy and pack my bags. "Bye Timmy!" I shouted, and went downstairs. "Let's go." Felix said after filling out many sheets of paperwork."Bye!!!"

Authors note:
I hope you liked! Thx for looking at my story!

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