Chapter 1: the first day of school

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I reached over and hit the off button on my alarm clock. Ugh, school. Summer is officially over, and today is the first day of my last year of high school. Yay! (note the sarcasm) I got out of bed and went into the bathroom that's connected to my room. I stripped down and took a quick shower. When I was done, I wrapped a towel around my body and went into my room to get dressed. I picked out a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a ruffled white tank top that tucks into my jeans, and my favorite pair of red Toms. I grabbed my book bag and my phone and went downstairs to eat. My dad was reading the paper and my mom was pouring herself a cup of coffee to go. I grabbed a poptart and yelled bye to my parents.

"Bye sweetie. Have a good day!" my mom yelled back.

"Love you!" my dad yelled.

I walked over to my red Lincoln, started it up, and drove to school. My friends were waiting for me when I pulled into the school parking lot. Once I parked my car, I got out and strolled over to them.

"Hey Lexi!" Anna said, "I love uour outfit, it totally brings out your eyes!"

I fiddled with my natural red hair. I guess my white top kind of does bring out my green eyes.

"Thanks," I told her, "I lkie your dress."

It was true, I loved her light blue sun dress. Ir went perfectly with her light brown hair. I looked at all of my other friends. I was tall compared to them, standing at 5'10". Anna was 5'5", Callie was 5'3" and the shortest of our group and had blonde hair, and Zara was the tallest next to me at 5'8" and she had straight black hair. We all walked into school together as rhe bell rang. We said goodbye and went to our lockers. I pit my bag in my locker and grabbed the books I would need untill lunch. I walked into my first class. Chemistry. I'm ok with that. I like science. The science teacher Mrs. Keen called the class to order.

"Welcome back, students!" she said with a smile.

Then she started about a bunch of things we would be learning about this semester. 70 minutes and a bimch of notes later, the bell rang and I made my way to english class. Did I mention how much I hate english class? Well a lot. All Ms. Class talks about is how to make a proper report, and blah, blah, blah. I thought I had learned all of this before, but apparently I need to learn this again. Thankfully the bell soon rang, sending me off to home ec. I don't really mind home ec. Anna was in this class too so that made it a lot better.

"Okay class. Please sit down. I am Mr. Postavad but you may call Mr. P" he introduced himself.

"Hey Mr. P" we all chorused.

"In 3 weeks you will be paired up with someone of the opposite gender for a big project. I will be choosing the partnerships." he informed, "Untill then, we will be learning what yiu will need to know for the project. " We all groaned

" Oh come on, it won't be that bad!" he cheered, " Now partner up and brainstorm what you will have to do as parents.:

I turned to Anna and we started to brainstorm ideas. The bell soon rang and we headed off to lunch.

" What do you think the project is about?" Anna asked.

"I really have no idea." I replied

"Guess we'll find out eventually. " she stated.

I nodded. I guess we would.


I had free period last hour so I decided to just go home early. As I was walking towards the school doors, someone ran into me from behind and knocked me over! He didn't even look behind him.

"Jerk.." I mumbled.

I walked out of the school and got into my car. When I got home I went into my room, put my bag on the floor, and collapsed obto my bed. I am so tired. .. That was my last thought before I fell asleep.

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