Chapter 1 - °Endearment°

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endearment ~ (noun) ~ a word or phrase expressing love or affection.

Tuesday 3:43 AM °Harry POV°

Harry wakes up again. He turns on his phone to check the time and it was definitely too early for his liking. He groans and lets his head fall back against the pillow. He tries to fall back asleep but he can't, because of the thoughts that are racing through his head.

He's had the same reoccurring dream for two days straight. He knows these thoughts are forbidden; especially since he has a girlfriend. But he couldn't help but think about the boy.

He dreamed about the same piercing blue eyes that haunted him with every move he made. He dreamed about how his small hands roamed his body. He dreamed about how his soft lips kissed his chest. And what confused him the most, was that he actually liked it.

Harry's parents seemed to have always wanted him to become something great. Someone who became successful. Someone who other people wish they were.

But what if that whole plan will change? What will happen if Harry realizes that he might have feelings for a guy? What will his parents think? Will everyone around him hate him?

These thoughts ran through Harry's head like a marathon, and he couldn't seem to make them stop.

To clear his mind, he quietly got up and walked outside to the balcony. He looked at the beautiful London lights, and the beautiful sky. He sighed in content as he continued to watch the cars drive by.

Sometimes Harry wished that he could live his own life and have his own feelings. But it seems like his parents are controlling his every move and he can't break free. After taking one last breath and breaking from his thoughts, Harry walks back in to make some warm chamomile tea.

He knew that he was falling hard for the boy who might not even love him back, the boy could even be straight. And as much as it pains him to think of something so horrible, he sadly knew that deep down he had to accept it.

Tuesday 8:46 AM °Louis POV°

Louis woke up with a smile on his face. Everyday he got to see him. He would get the same thing everyday, a chocolate muffin with a Caramel Cappuccino. Louis remembered this from the back of his hand.

Louis quickly took a shower and put on his work clothes. He had to be there by 9:30, and he was already running late.

He quickly grabbed his jacket and ran downstairs. Before he stepped out of the door, he heard someone singing, and with Louis being curious, he couldn't help but follow the noise.

When he walked into the kitchen he saw his mum dancing and singing a song. He almost bursted out in laughter, but he quickly covered his mouth.

When Louis mum turned around 2 minutes later, her face turned bright red.

"Louis! I thought you left for work!" Her face got redder by the minute and Louis was on the floor laughing like a silly idiot. His mother face palmed and laughed a little herself.

"Louis sweetie as much as I love this moment with you, its 9:06 already." Louis quickly got up and gave his mom a quick kiss. " Shit I'm going to be late!" Louis quickly grabbed his car keys from off of the wall and ran out the door.

"Louis wait!!!" Louis turned around quickly.

"What's the problem mum I'm already late!" Louis checks the time on his phone quickly.

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