This is another version of If Only. Thanks for those who left constructive feedback. Especially EllenFairyBlue4.
If Only
Mr. Samuels smiled as he watched a familiar face smile back at him. It was his lovely wife, Lyn, that meant everything to him. Her gold hair with a tint of red flew behind her like a long trail of spider's silk as she chased after their energetic child, Jane.
The two of them, mother and daughter, laughed happily as Jane began to splash in the Mourning Pool.
He thought to himself: The name doesn't do this place justice. This place is more than just a place of sorrow and superstition, but a place that holds happy memories dear to my heart.
Ripples appeared in the water near the waterfall, God's Tears. A familiar, yet strange and threatening presence could be felt by Mr. Samuels from those ripples that grew ever larger and nearer his loved ones.
"Lyn, Jane, get out of the water," Mr. Samuels ordered.
Lyn paused. "Daniel? What's wrong?"
Mr. Samuels froze at the sight.
Out of the water, from the ripples, arose what looked like a large midnight-blue horse. Jane cooed as the horse snorted and drew closer, "Horsey."
Lyn gasped and pulled Jane out of the way, but not in time to save herself. For her other hand had come into contact with the horse itself. Lyn's green eyes became teary as she struggled to free herself in vain, and all that Mr. Samuels knew then was the most heart-wrenching sound in his life.
Mr. Samuels panted, shivering violently. Not from the cold, but from a frightfully real nightmarish sleep. Once again, he dreamt of her. And once again he felt the pain of loss. If only he hadn't let her and their daughter go so perilously close to that stupid animal at the Mourning Pool of God's Tears. If only he had been paying enough attention. If only he had the choice to save both his daughter and his wife that day.
Mr. Samuels gasped for air in ragged breaths. He could've done so many things, if only he had been paying attention to those 'superstitions'. If only he hadn't been...
He stood, doing his best to contain his emotions. Blinking away the tiredness, he blearily made it to the nearest bottle and poured a generous serving. "If only-"
Mr. Samuels shook his head, clearing his thoughts. He smiled mirthlessly. "Forget it."
He downed the glass.
RomanceA lover lost. A kelpie caged. What good will come of this? A lust for the kill. A broken heart. Who can heal the broken heart? Who can free what must be free? Or is it too late to heal and set free? Will the lust for blood be overwhelming?