Secretly Rich

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Chapter One

August 21st, 2012.

Random nightclub, Malibu, California

 3:01 A.M.

 The music was thumping through everybody. It was vibrating off the walls, off the sweaty bodies, off the floor. The energy was unbelievable – everyone dancing, pumping their fists in the air. This was what I loved about clubs. When everybody forgot about where they came from, who they were, and just partied together.

    This was where I belonged.

    “Sam!” a friend of mine called. Her purple hair bobbed up and down as she danced. “You want to go to another club downtown? The rest of the gang is already going.”

     I checked my watch: 3 a.m. The night wasn’t over yet. Just then, my phone vibrated. It was a text from Royce, my bodyguard, saying that I had better come home now. How did he know I was gone this time? I had made sure to make it look like I was sleeping – stuffed pillows under the blankets and everything.

     “I can’t,” I yelled back to my purple-headed friend. “Sorry! I have to go!”

     I saw her frown and nod before I slid through the claustrophobic bodies and to the bar. I grabbed my purse from the counter and coat before I exited the loud nightclub. Even though it was August and summer was still in place, there was a small chilly breeze, or maybe it was because of my short dress. Either way, I hugged my coat tighter around my thin frame.

     Catching a cab was easy. When I finally snatched one, I told the bearded driver my address and I saw his surprised expression. And then he smiled because he knew I had some good cash on me. I lived on a street full of mansions, right next to one of the hotspot-tourist beaches. Anyone who even could get inside the area – due to heavy security – was considered lucky. The cab driver knew that and it gave me great satisfaction when his attitude changed.

     “Would you like for me to set the air-conditioning on?” he asked, reaching for the temperature dial. “Are you comfortable, miss? Is there anything I could do for you?” This kind of behavior was usual to me.

     I smirked. “Actually, I’m kind of cold. I’m fine. . . for now.”

     The bearded cab driver nodded eagerly as he kept driving through the empty streets. My phone buzzed once again. It was Royce again: Your parents just came back from work. I covered for you. Sam, you owe me one.  – R.

     This was also normal. Our family owned a long line of businesses all over the world. We specialized in tourist resorts, stores, and owned percentages of designer labels. Mom and Dad worked very late, fortunate for me. It allowed me to go out more often without getting caught – well, after I got past Royce. He was a bodyguard that Mom and Dad had ordered to watch me since I was young. They didn’t want any risk of me getting kidnapped. Like that’d happen, I had years of fight class.

     When I finally arrived around the block close to my home, I threw a fifty dollar bill at the back of the driver’s head and eagerly left the stinky car.

     “Wait, miss—”

     I ignored his desperate pleas. I mean, wasn’t an extra twenty dollar tip enough for the guy? What else did he want? A tour inside my house? Please.

     My heels clacked against the pavement as I strutted down the road until I reached the front of the two metal gates that prevented anyone from entering when it was locked. Thankfully, the gatekeeper, Roger, was sound asleep and snoring. This should’ve angered me, if I had normally caught him dozing off, but it was working to my advantage at the moment. I fought down the temptation to snap him awake and fire him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2013 ⏰

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