Jealous Rin Okumara X Reader

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"(Y/f/n), is a transfer student. I hope you all get along." The teacher said unimpressed that (F/n) arrived twenty minutes late. 'It's not my fault this school is so damn big.' (F/n) thought bitterly. "Please find a seat (L/n)." 'It's my first day and nobody gave me a tour or told me how to get to class.'

(Your P.O.V)

I was looking for a seat when I saw one next to a guy with blue-black hair and blue eyes and had pointy ears. He's cute. I walked up to him and asked, "Hi. Is it okay if I sit here?"

"Yeah. I'm Rin." The blue haired boy, Rin, said as I sat down.


"No one gave you a tour I'm guessing?"

"Yeah I had to find my way on my own." I said nervously. Why am I nervous?

"I'll give you the tour after class, okay with you?" He smiled.

"Yeah I'd love that." I said with a grin. Rin gave me a grin to match my own.

(Time skip because of author-chan's laziness and plus who want to write about a day of school.)

Rin was giving me a tour of the school until I guy with glasses ran up to us.

"Rin, you're going to be late for class... Again."

"But Yukio I'm giving (F/n) the tour of the school since no one else did." Rin said whining.

"Oh. Sorry. I'm Yukio, Rin's younger brother."

"(F/n). Do either of you know where the class for exorcists are?"

"You're training to be an exorcist?" Both Rin and Yukio said surprised.

"Yeah. My dad was an exorcist."

"So you wanna be one too?" Yukio asked, well more like said. Rin was still looking at me. I began to feel nervous under his gaze.

"Follow us. I'm one of the teachers here."

"Really? How old are you Yukio? Aren't you, like fifteen?" I was confused. How can he be a teacher at the age of fifteen. Wait. "What do you teach?"

Yukio laughed. "I'm an exorcist. I teach students at True Cross Academy who want to be exorcists."


"We're here." Yukio said.

(Author's P.O.V.)

Yukio and (F/n) walked in with Rin following behind slowly. Rin sat in his usual seat. Shieme came up to Rin and began to talk to him.

"Everyone take a seat." Yukio shouted and they obeyed. "We have a new student. (Y/F/N). (F/n) please take a seat anywhere you'd like."

You mumbled a thank you and went to where Rin was sitting. "(F/n) come sit here." Rin said smiling at you.

"I'm (f/n). You are?" You asked the girl with short blonde hair. Rin put a hand around you.

"Shieme." Shieme faked happiness.

[Time skip to three mounts later]

It's been three months since you started True Cross Academy. Shieme has been all over Rin. You would be lying if you said you weren't jealous. You have been avoiding Rin for about a week. I've been hanging out with Yukio more. I found out that he liked Shieme. Anyone could see that Shieme likes Rin except Rin.

(Your P.O.V)

"(F/n)!" I heard Rin call me. I saw Yukio walking towards me looking sad and depressed. He was usually cheerful so this was a surprise.

"Yukio. What happened?"

"She... She rejected me. Told me she loves Rin." I heard Rin stop running towards me when I hugged Yukio.

"I'm so sorry, Yukio. What can I do to ease the pain?" Yukio was crying on my shoulder. "Nothing." I heard him whisper. I kept holding onto him. Consoling him.

(Rin's P.O.V)

I saw the girl I love hugging my brother. My heart shattered. I saw Shieme running up to me. I ignored her and ran. I couldn't stop the tears. I was going to confess to her a week ago. I was trying but she kept running. I couldn't talk to her. Whenever I tried she would run. I was jealous when she was with Yukio. I heard footsteps coming my way. I turned around with tears in my eyes willing the not to fall.

"(F/n)! Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with Yukio?" I screamed at her. "You should be wi-" I was cut off by lips on mine. (F/n) was kissing me! It took me a moment to realize what was happening. She pulled away. "I'm sor-" I cut her off this time. I kissed her. She didn't hesitate to kiss back.

"I love you, Rin. I like Yukio as a best friend."

"I love you too. I was jealous when I saw you and Yukio together."

"I was jealous when Shieme was all over you."

A/n: Sorry if they are ooc. I haven't watched Blue Exorcist in a while. This is dedicated to @AN1M3DOODL3Z .Thank you for leaving me a request.

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