Long Lost Lovers {Train Heartnet x Reader}

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Former Number Zero. The most powerful weapon that Creed ever had was a secret from all. She was locked up and forgot about by almost everyone. Creed treated her like she was a doll who had been through hell and back, which in a way, she was.

Former Number Thirteen; the Black Cat, knew this girl quite well for not knowing about her connection to the Chronus Numbers. He knew the girl since long before Creed came into either of their lives.

Sweeper Seven. The only sweeper who has come face to face with number zero and lived. He didn't tell a soul about his encounter with the girl because he knew the dangers of anyone knowing.

Number Zero's P.O.V {Y/n P.O.V}

'I should leave, before he comes back.' I looked both ways before I left the train where Creed had told me to wait. 'I can't continue living to be his puppet. I just can't.'

"Going somewhere, love?" a voice slureded. A male voice at that.

"It's none of you business." I told the obviously drunk man.

"Sure it is. I can't let a belle like you go off on your own without protection, now can I?" he said.

"I can asure you that it is you who needs protection," I said with a sadistic smile. One that I only put on right before I kill someone. 'I guess today is you're lucky day,' I thought as I heard Creed's voice. I looked at the man one last time; and I left. Left him to his death because I know that when Creed finds out I'm gone; that he lost his puppet; he's going to take it out on the first person he sees.

I wake panting because of the nightmare I've been having since I left Creed that day. I've been on the run ever since. No one knows who I am; no one know about Number Zero, except for one certain Sweeper.

"Come on sweetie, it's time to pay up or get out," a strong, man-like voice said. The Inn keeper.

I opened the door to the room and smiled, "I'll have you money first thing tomorrow morning."

"No. You pay me now or the hell out of my Inn," she said in anything but a plesent voice.

My smile turned in a blank expression. "I'll leave right away then. Let me just get my bag." I said in an equally unplesent voice. I closed the door and rolled out the cloth that had my knives in. 'guess I'm on the road again.'

I changed into my (f/c) top and (2nd/f/c) [skirt/jeans]; hid my knives on my body and packed my bag. I walked down the stairs and to the door. I nodded at the Inn keeper as I walked out.

"Train! Come back!" screamed a fimiliar voice. Sven?

I turened to see the man in the white suite, chasing a brown haired man with yellow, cat like eyes. Train Heartnet.

"Sven?" I asked, loud enough for him to hear me.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" He asked. Train stopped and came up to Sven.

"I should be aski-"

"What's going on here?" Train asked.

"Oh. Train this is (Y-" Sven was saying before he was cut off by Train and myself.

"I know who he/she is." We said at the same time.

Train's P.O.V.

Why is she here? The last I saw of her she was running from Creed.

"Why are you here?" I asked her, refusing to look into her eyes. They were a reminder of how I failed her. How I let her-

"I could as you the same thing. Can we get out of this sun, please?" She aked. I nodded and Sven started walking back to the dinner that we left Eve in.

[Timeskip to the dinner]

"Ready to tell us why you are here? And how you escaped Creed?" I asked, still looking down.

"I'm still running from him, but he isn't as interested in me as he is in you...and well... i just ran...when we were by a train station..."She said with hessitation, looking away from me and Sven.

"(Y/n), This is Eve." Sven said to (Y/n). She smiled at Eve and Eve just nodded at her and went back to reading.

"How do two know each other?" I asked Sven and (Y/n). (Y/n) tensed at the question and Sven rubbed his neck looking like he was in pain.

"I almost killed him." (Y/n) told me looking into my eyes with her (e/c) eyes.

I looked at her and Sven wide eyed. Eve looked up from her book giving (Y/n) a death glare. "What?" I asked, suprised, "Why?" I asked looking at her.

"I was Number Zero, Train. I was Creed's secret weapon." She said in a monotone voice.

Number Zero? The most dangerous of the Chronos Numbers? No I refuse to believe it. I shook my head.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"How could I?"

"Look you two this isn't the place for this." Sven said standing up and walking to the door. "Come on," he waved for us to follow him.

Sven's P.O.V

I opened the door of the room that was available in the closest Inn, the one (Y/n) was walking out off.

"I should leave, Sven. I'm sure you're busy with Sweeper stuff, right?"

"No. You aren't going anywhere. You might still be working for Creed," Train said, blocking the door.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes.

"She isn't working for Creed anymore. She's-" I was cut off.

"Believe what you want, Black Cat. Right now I just want to sleep," she said before throwing herself onto the chair, like she used to after she tried to kill me then find out that I'm her uncle... The only family she has left.

"How do you -"

"Go to sleep, Train." I said walking out.

Eve followed after me. "Do you trust her?"

"With my life."

"But she tried to kill you, right?"

I sighed, "It's complicated, Eve."

"But I want to know."


(Y/n)'s P.O.V

" Train, I'm sorry."

"I know. (Y/n), I'm sorry too. I know why you couldn't tell me, even when I am you boyfriend," Train said walking up to me. Wait, am? I thought that he left me when he didn't show up where we met?

"Am? I thought you got bored of me and moved o-" I was cut off with Train kissing me. I kissed back. This was something I never thought I wold feel again. I got lost in the kiss.

"Come with us?" Train asked with a grin on his face. The same grin I fell in love with.

"Are you sure?" I asked. I didn't want to cause trouble.

"Was I the Back Cat of Chronos?" Train asked. I nodded.

"Then, yes. I accept your offer, Train Heartnet," I said with a smile on my face.

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