Arthur, Prince of Wales. Ludlow, Wales, England; March of 1502.
“My love, you’ve been so quiet…”
Catalina looked at me with a forced smile, her red hair falling beautifully on the white pillow. “I am tired, my love. It’s been a long day.”
“Oh, really? What did you do today, may I ask?”
“I had my lessons with Lady Margaret Pole and we read together.” She replied. “We walked together afterwards.”
“This wouldn’t get you tired a month ago.” I remarked, suspiciously; then, a sudden thought crossed my mind and I held Catalina closer to me, with excitement. “My love! Oh, my Princess, is it possible you are with child?”
She shook her head. “No, I am sorry to disappoint you. I am not yet with child. It is mostly a weather change, it has been too hard on me. I am not used to it.”
I smiled and kissed her forehead, so she wouldn’t think I was disappointed. “It’s alright, my love. We are both young, and we have a whole lifetime ahead us to think of children. It has only been a couple of months since our wedding.”
“I am from a fertile stock.” Catalina said, defensively. “My mother gave birth to seven children, though it had pleased God to take most of them…” The shadow of tears passed through her green eyes, but she quickly waved it away. “My emblem is the pomegranate. I am fertile, healthy –”
“Catalina, I do not doubt you!” I laughed, as she pretended to be offended and hit me with a pillow. “Truly, my love, this is the last of my concerns. Children will come, at the right time, when God sends them. No need to rush. My father is still young as well, and he will probably reign over for years more to come, God willing.”
“And the throne is safe.” She added. “There are two Tudor princes.”
I sighed, grinding my teeth; the thought of Henry as my heir angered me in a way even I could not explain. My brother was a fool, as simple as that, and I couldn’t think of that little fool wearing the crown of England. That thought was hilarious and enraging at the same time. I tried to smile to my wife, to disguise my feelings, but she was quick to catch my emotions.
“What is it?”
“Harry.” I confessed. “He cannot be King, my love. He is my heir, I know, but I cannot think of him as king of England. It would be a disaster. Harry is all about Harry, from dawn to dawn. Spoiled, egocentric and proud, such a bad combination in a monarch.”
“But he shan’t inherit the throne, my love.” She promises me. “Do not be concerned.”
“You have only arrived to England, Catalina. You do not know how we can make war over a crown.”
“Oh, do I not? You forget where I come from. Spain is in eternal war, and I grew up in the battlefield.” She paused. “But I do know what you mean. Sometimes those who were born to rule, who have the right to wear a crown, are prevented from it.”
“It has happened countless times here in England. People still remember the Cousins’ War. All is too recent and very dangerous. If a man can kill a cousin, a nephew, a brother over a crown, there cannot be a feeling of safety.”
Catalina stirred, uncomfortable.
“Only a few years ago there were so many claimants to the throne of England.” She said, in a low, strange voice. “They were eliminated one by one. Except –”
Historical FictionElizabeth of York married Henry Tudor after the bloody War of the Roses ended. Their first son, Arthur, represented everything England needed: union, peace and prosperity. The Houses of York and Lancaster finally together in one. However, Elizabeth...