That Day!

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(Tre's POV)


Me and Joshua were walking through the woods about to go hang out with Joshua's friends.We waited for about ten minutes and they haven't showed up.I went to go take a piss,i finished taking a piss and i turned my head and saw Chance and his girlsfriend Layla.I went up to them and i asked"What ya'll doing here?""Nothing,we heading home now."

"Ok."I watched as they walked away and i started walking up to Joshua.But,he was GONE.I got a lttle worried and then i heard a scream.

"Layla!"I heard Chance say,i started running to the voice i heard 

"AHHHHHHH!"That sounded like Chance i ran to where i heard him scream again

"CHANCEEE!,CHANCE!"I screamed but no one answered with a scream back

i tried texting Joshua but i had no signal...



I woke u in the woods,dirt all over me stems in my hair and everything.

I walked out of the woods remembering that i didnt have a ride to my house.So when i finally reached the sidewalk i took out my phone tried turning it on but it was dead so i had to walk home which wasn't a problem cause i lived about five minutes away from the woods.

(Five minutes later)

I reached my house and went straight to the bathroom to take a nice 30 minute shower it was only 7:15 so i had woke up just in time.

While i was brushing my teeth i noticed somethig weird abot my eyes they're werent hazel anymore they were red.I got nervous i thought something ws wrong with me.So i decided not to go to school that day,but to go get some hazel contact lens.Before i went to my room to grab my wallet i hear the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it."Joshua said as he started walking down the steps 

I was upstairs trying to see who was at the door and a girl came in it was short girl i wanted to see her so bad so i ran down the steps.

"i see you know what happened yestrday?"The girl said 

"Pardend and Joshua did you just see that it looked like i just flew down the steps except i wasn't in the air."

"Yea,Tre i did see that"

"i was saying now you know what you are?"

"I dont know what you're talking about!"

"Ok,here let me show you what i mean"she said 

She ran to my kitchen in the same exact speed i did and she got a glass cup and put some water in it.She pulled her hand out,it looked like she was about to drop the glass.

I ran as fast possible to catch th cup ad i caught it

"Are you crazy?"

"No."she said with a smirk on her face 

Joshua was just standing there watching the whole sene

"Leave my house now!"

"Ok"she said smiling

As she said that she ran to the door"By the way my name is Kay"

I watched as she drove off in her Bmw,i turned around "Have you seen Chance and Layla?"

"Yea,they went to school alredy."

"Ok" i said while walking past Joshua "Have you noticed your eyes are red?"

"Yes,so are Chances and Layla's"

"Why are they red?"i asked

"Duded,look this up on google when you run fast like the wind and have red for the colors of your eyes what does that mean?"

"It'll tell you from there!"

I walked out of the house and headed down the street to go get my contact lens from walgreens.

20 minutes later i finally find the the hazel contacts i was looking for.I got back home and went upstairs to my room got on my laptop and searched up what Joshua told me to serch.

I put in what i was looking for and i couldnt believe my eyes.It was saying im a demon that im a vampire.

I wanted to call Bianca but i couldn't because i knew i had to keep this a secret.i didn'nt like keeping secrets from her,but this one i had to keep.


I waited for Chance to come home to tell him he couldn't tell anybody.I heard Layla's voice and told her to come in my room and Chance followed behind her

"Look guys i know you're probably wondering why you're eyes are red bu-"i had gotten interupted by Chance

"Dude, we know we're vampires we went looking to know what was wrong with our eyes."

"A lady that was short real pretty told us about!"Layla sheirked

"Cool,but you guys know you can't tell NO ONE right?"

"Yes we know Tre" they both said

"Wanna know who did this?"Chance said

"I'm glad you know because i was about to go say let's find out who did this to us!"

"Ok,it was Joshua brother girllfriend,Maria remember her?"


"Well it was her"

"Wow,i haven't seen her in a while"

We all heard the door bell ring.Joshua opened the door i heard two voices,a lady that sounded like Maria and a man's sounding like Jace.....

Who do you think it was?Was my hearing correctly?

Vote,Comment,Fan and if there are any mistakes im sorry but hope your enjoying this book so far

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