That Day!(Continued)

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(Tre POV)

We all heard the door bell ring I heard two voices,a lady that sounded like Maria and a man's sounding like Jace....

I ran downstairs to get a closer look.To my surprise it was exactly who I thought it was.

"Hey,what's up?"I aked to Jace

"Nothing,just chilling with my girl."

"Oh i see"

"So why'd you come over"?Joshua asked

"Because,Maria and I need to tell you something important."Jace said

(Jace POV)

"So why'd you come over?"My blood brother asked me

"Because,Maria and I need to tell you something important."I shaking a little because i didn't know how Tre,Chance,Layla,and Joshua would react to what im about to say.

"Well,sit on the couch and start speaking,"Tre said looking confused

"Wait,i want to tell Chance and Layla also all of you at the same time"I said


"Ok you know how your eyes are red,you can see almost every single detail in you house,you can hear peoples footsteps and run fast and how you're skin is cold not warm but cold?"I said in one breath

"Yea"everyone said at the same time

"Well,thats because your a vampire and I told Maria to do it for me because i went hunting for food that night!

Everyone didn't say a word just looked at me with their bloody red looking eyes.There was slience for about two minutes and then Tre Chance and Layla all looked at each other then started laughing..

"What is so funny?"i asked look concerned

"We're laughing because we already know about this,some lady she was short but pretty she told Chance and I and then we told Tre.She said she came by the house today.I think Joshua was the only one that didn't know!"Layla said

"I knew I read her mind,it was like she felt if i can read her mind because she told me what i really wanted to know."Joshua said

"Did she have blond hair?Full lips?Real skinny?"Jace asked 

"Yes!"We all said

"Oh man Jace your going to have to have a talk with her because we told her not to come this way because we would tell them,we told the whole group!"Maria said getting a little pissed off

"Okay,babe"Jace said to Maria in a low voice

(Tre POV)

It was now 10:00 when Jace and Maria left.I went uptairs to go take a shower when i heard someones footsteps behind me getting closer and closer,i couldn't hear there heart beat though.I turned around and saw noone so i kept walking and heard it again.I stopped walking to see if i would here them walking still,i didn't so i just decided to turn and look behind me on the sides of me and then i decided to look up on the ceiling  and i saw Joshua trying to scare me..

"Did you forget i can hear really well?"

"No,i just was wondering if you would eventually look up and see me on the ceiling."

"Oh ok,well im going to hop in the shower and go to sleep!"


I finallly get out the shower thirty minutes lat.I brusth my teeth before i walked to my room to lotion up and put on some basketball shorts.

I finish brushing my teeth,lotioning my body,put on my boxers,and basketball shorts and lay in my bed.To my surprise this was the first time i coldn't fall asleep.

I closed my eyes and stated thinking about how my experience of being a vampire would be.

"Aghhh"i yelped while i put my hand around my throat craving for someones blood!

I got out of bed and put a shirt on and some shoes.While i was putting on my shoes i felt weird i heard a lady scream i smelled something.I put on my sneaker as fast as i can and ran outside.I heard another scream so i ran to where i heeard the scream.

"Can,you please help me?"this young lady said

I just stared down on her smelling her blood that i wanted so bad


Before  i know it my teeth is in her neck sucking on her blood.


None heard me because i found this lady in the woods.I picked her up and held her in my arms and ran back to my house.I layed her on the couch and left her there while i was pacing the living room.

I took one more look at her and when i looked her face looked so cold and her eyes were closed i felt so bad,I stayed watching her the whole night until morning.

Morning time:I was about to go take a shower when Joshua came downstairs,He looked at the girl.

 "What happened?"He asked

"I bit her because i as craving so bad,but can you watch over so i can go take a shower?"

"Yea,but hurry up because i have to get ready for school also!"he said

I ran upstairs took fifteen minute shower and brushed me teeth,I lotioned my body and put on my cargo's whith my Bread elevens and and black and red hollister shirt.I was putting on my hat when i felt something inside my heart,i didn't know what it was but it felt like fifty pounds was lifted off of me.

I walked downstairs and saw the girl i bit from last night she was alive

"Hey,im so sorry i did this too you but i really had the craving for your blood you were the clostest i can get too!"

"It's ok!"She smiled

"I just wanted to let you know that i really am sorry though."

"I know you are i can feel it"she laughed

I laughed with her "Ok well,i have to head to school so you can let yourself out!"

I got a ride from Joshua that day because



I walked in to school and saw Bianca."Hey"i said to while waving and smiling

"Hi,how come you didn't come by yesturday?"

"Ohh,umm"i looked up to the ceiling

"Ah,i got sick."i said while cracking my knuckles

"You don't have to lie about why you weren't here Tre."She said while looking in my eyes

"i'm not lieing,i would never lie to you"I smirked while stepping up closer to her to hug her


(Bianca POV)

"OH MY GOSH",Are you serious?

"I'm deadly serious.So would you be mine Bianca Waters?"

Yes,i would definitely be yours tahnk you for not lieing

We hugged a little while then we looked into each others eyes and he leaning in so did i he kissed me so passionately i felt that he really did love me.We wrestled tongues for a little bit .

"Let's go downstairs and see what Briana and Joshua are up too."He said

We went downstairs with our fingers interlocked with each other..

Ok if you are confused this chapter is about where he continues the flashback hes telling Bianca if you didn't know..Well thats all i wanted to say

Vote,Fan,Feedback and #65 reads is alot for me because i just started this book yesturday and got #65 reads so thank youuuu soooo muchhhh and i will be updating more so comment tell me what you think and i'll see you when i update tomorow probably!!!

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