8 the Wedding

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Rukia and Ichigo planned to get married two weeks after graduation. They were going to do it in a church in Karakura.
"Ichigo, how do weddings work here?" she asked one night when they were laying around in his room.
"What do they do in Soul Society?"he wondered.
"Tell me how they work here first."
"Fine. The couple goes some where, usually a church, like us, and a pastor comes and has us say our vows and then we put rings on as a symbol of our love and commitment to each other and then we kiss in front of everybody. Then we go on our honey moon."
"What the hell is a honey moon? And what do you mean everybody?"
"A honey moon is where newly weds go on a vacation and have fun together and have sex."
"That's really all it is?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
"And what did you mean by everybody?"
"All our guests. Our friends and family."
"Oh. OK. I understand now."
"Now tell me how weddings are in Soul Society."
"The man's captain has the couple come to him privately and they give him some papers and then you're married."
"Wow, that's all? It's a lot more complicated here."
"Everything is."

They got married a week after the discussion.
The wedding was small and simple. Only Isshin, Karin, Yuzu, Chad, Uryu, Orihime, Keigo, Tatsuki and Mizuiro were invited.
There was a small three-hour reception at the end, and then they left for their honey moon in Soul Society.
"You'll come back to visit us, right?" Yuzu asked as the Senkaimon was opening.
"Of course." Ichigo said.

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