Chapter 2

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"Oh my Gosh why didn't I pack 2 days ago."I scream at myself as I rush to get packed and make it to my flight on time.

Once Im done with my stuff I go in Lexi's room that is baby pink and brown. I wake up Lexi.

 "Lexi princess come on baby we have to go get ready."

 She soon wakes up and yawns stretching her long tiny fragile arms and rubbing her eyes.

 Then her  beautiful big brown eyes open.

 That's how I can tell she gets her looks from her dad.

 She has his eyes, hair, face and ears everything.

She has my smile and nose and she looks like me but more like Taylor.

 After I am done admiring her I change her diaper and I go down stairs and put her in her play pen.

 I then quickly run up stairs afraid to leave her by herself .

 I grab my bags and he diaper bag and her other bag filled with her clothes and money stored just for her.

I then make her bottle and feed her while sitting on the couch watching Pretty Little Liars and Teen Wolf. I adore those shows so much.

After she is done drinking it she falls asleep. I smile and take her upstairs and and start packing the rest of her stuff.

I bring her and the bags down stairs and go back up to get the play pen and put it by the front door then I put everything in the car.

I finally then picked up Lexi and locked the door.

I buckle her in and then myself and I started the car and started driving to the airport to go to Chicago to see my beautiful babies (my fans)


the love of my life,

 my daughters father.

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