Hum bug.

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[Jays pov]
I groaned and sat up... I blinked seeing as everything was blurry. I got up and fell down! Shit!! I got up with a struggle and looked at my body to see everything has healed?? Huh... Weird. I walked out of the room, down to the hall and into the living room yelling at everyone "IM ALIVE!!!" Sam got up smiling "Hey! Glad to see your okay!!" Eva hugged me and said "Yeah! You scared us there!" I asked "So how long have I been out??" Sam shrugged "A month." I started choking and tried catching my breath.... Ohhhhhhhhkay!!!!! Slender chuckled and said "Don't worry. Nothing serious happened. We took care of those humans and saved you." I smiled and asked looking around "Where's my babe at??" Sam said laughing "He's in your room sulking." I began walking up there "Thanks!" I opened the door to my room quietly and saw him laying there on the bed looking rough. I quietly shut the door and walked over to him and very carefully got over him. I leaned down and kissed his face softly in multiple places and then kissed his lips making him groan slightly "What the..." I smiled and said quietly "Good Morning sweet heart..." He looked at me and asked "Are you real?" I nodded and said "Yes, I woke up just a few minutes ago..." He hugged my tightly and muttered "I told you something bad would happen." I laughed and said "Sorry. I'm too stubborn to take your advice and accept help." He said "Please just lie here with me... I missed you so much." I chuckled and laid down on top of him and he kept his arms around me and we both laid there for a long time... After a while he said "I want to get married." I sat up asking him wide eyes "What??" He turned slightly and opened his night stands door and pulled out a small box "I was going to ask you the day after Sam's birthday but then everything happened. So I'm asking you now. Will you marry me?" I smiled and said "Of course I will." He smiled and put the ring on my finger and kissed me. I said loudly against his lips "I love you!!!" He pulled away smiling "I love you too." And hugged me.

[Time skip!]
I sighed standing in a room with Eva... I was wearing a wedding dress(Image). Eva said smiling "You look beautiful Jay. Offender will be so happy." I chuckled and said "Yeah..." I sniffled and began to cry... Eva asked worrying now "J-Jay?? Are you okay?? Do I need to get someone??" I shook my head and said "No... I'm just so happy... I didn't think I would make it this far." She smiled whipping away my tears from my make up "You did... And you found your true love... This is your day jay..." I smiled and Sam walked through the door. He smiled and Eva excused herself. He said "It seems like just yesterday we were kids living in a cruddy home with an abusive drunk dad and getting bullied while we had a demon looking after us." I chuckled and said "And here I am Getting married and your already 16 and almost done with high school." He chuckled and said "I'm still amazing that you make me go to a public school filled with humans." I chuckled "You need to be social and learn who are the ones you need to kill and who are the ones that deserve to live." He nodded and said "Yeah..." He hugged me and said almost crying "Please don't ever leave me and grow apart from me... I knew your getting married and you going to start a family but I still need you." I chuckled and patted his back "Sam. Your my proxy and little brother. I could never leave you." He smiled... Just then Trendermen, who designed my dress, came in saying "The wedding is about to start! Who's giving away the bride??" Sam smiled "I am!" Trender nodded laughing we walked to the front and he and splendor opened the doors as the song began to play and everyone stood up and offender turned towards me all the way at the alter... Sam and I walked down the Isle with our arms locked together. Offender looked so happy, we made it up there and Sam gave him to offender. We stood there as slender made us go through all the vows and everything. He asked with one finally satisfying sigh "Do you, Jay Post, Take Offendman to be your husband?" I nodded and said "I do." I put the ring onto his finger... Slender asked him "Do you, Offender take Jay to be your wife?" He nodded smiling at me "I do." And he slid the ring onto my finger. Slender closed the book "You may now, kiss the bride." Offender grabbed me and dripped me while kissing me passionately! The whole crowd cheered and gave us wolf howls!!! He let me up and we both were laughing. We walked out of the church saying good bye to everyone for now and he grabbed me and we teleported somewhere very warm! I looked at smiled as I saw an ocean view! We were somewhere tropical and hot! He kissed me and purred into my ear "Whatta say we get that wedding dress off of you and give your body some attention??" I smiled and said "I say hell yeah!" He chuckled and picked me up and carried me to the bed room!

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