chapter one - the beginning (Reposted -Edited)

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This is chapter edited my my amazing

Editor gibbo287 -------------------»


It was a spine chilling night. Every bone in my body told me to go back in the house where it was safe. I knew I should have listened but when death comes knocking, there's no bolt lock in the world that's going to keep it out.

Besides it was only a party, who am I kidding? Its the best freaking party I'll ever go to! Plus, being the new kid is no fun, so I zipped up my baby milo jacket and waited for my ride. Finally I see Jenny pull up to the sidewalk, I wave as I jog up to her black Toyota and get in.

Jenny sat in the drivers seat wearing a red off the shoulder dress that stops mid-thigh with ripped black tights and a black cardigan, her blonde hair perfectly straight as usual.

I look down at my outfit. I wore, purple skinny jeans with a black and white striped vest and leather boots to match. My pale brown hair is curled in a side ponytail softly framing my face. I do look pretty good; I guess that's why I get to hangout with her and the fact that I help her do her math's homework would contribute.

"Abby you look great! Well not as good as, me but still great."Jenny says.

I try not to roll my eyes at her or tell her to shove it and I just mutter thanks. I smirk as her face twists in annoyance because I never compliment her

I look out the window and gaze at the full moon. I loved looking at the moon with its mystical silver light illuminating everything, I always found it magical and enchanting. It had a strong ethereal presence that just resounded everywhere it's pale light touched.

We pulled to a stop and I snapped out of my thoughts. We were at Tania's house who was another one of my new friends, but unlike Jenny she's actually really nice and I consider her close friend. She is even trying to set me up with Josh, a jock who I had a crush on since I moved here.

I open the car door and the smell of beer hits me and I try not to gag. It's not that I never drank before but I just don't like beer. I heard Swedish house mafia's antidote blasting from the house and it makes me want to dance.

Jenny walks towards the door not caring whether I'm following or not. I guess someone's still angry I strain under my breath. I start making my way up the paved driveway; my hips slowly swaying to the music

Jenny opens the door and walks in, I follow her lead and I gasp in awe at my surroundings. The house is beautiful! I walk through the hallway towards the music stopping at the source I could feel the base reverberating through the walls and floor.

I open the door and step into the dark red room. Colorful lights flash and body's grind against each other as people move to the beat.

Jenny appears out of no where and grabs my arm. "Tania wants to show you something." she yelled over the music. I could be wrong, but I could have sworn I saw her smirk. Damn, even with the music blasting my brain her squeaky voice still irked me. "Ok lead the way." I yell so she can hear me.

I follow Jenny through the crowded room and to the open bar. I see Tania there she's wearing a short pink sleeveless dress two sizes to small. Her black hair is curled in loose locks. She smiles and walks towards me.

I smiled back at her as she passed me, not noticing me at all. Still smiling, she walks towards a cute blonde boy with sky blue eyes. Wait that's Josh. Ok Abby don't jump to conclusions, I try to persuade myself. Tania stops in front of Josh pulls his head down and kisses him.

They finally break apart, Tania turns to face me and licks her lips. "Abby have you met my new boyfriend Josh?" You would honestly expect me to be sad or heart broken and thinking how my friend could do that but no I was thinking of her pretty rats tail extensions and how nice it would be to rip them out and hang her by her toes with them.

You got it; I was stark raving mad. I had to get out of there before I do some serious damage to her face and to my hand. I smile at her and say "Tania that's wonderful and you look great, your nose job really brings out the Pinocchio in your face." With that I turn and walk away happy with my remark. Too bad I didn't get to see her face but I couldn't take the risk with me being so pissed off.

I have to get out of this house, so I walk as fast as my legs can carry me. I end up in the kitchen and I look around for a back door. I see a dark pine wooden door and immediately open it and step out into the cold night air. I sigh taking a deep breath and start walking home.

The streets are deserted and the ice-cold wind blows in my face .I look up at the dark blue sky, the full moon peaking out through the clouds. Everything is unearthly quiet.

I am so buried in my thoughts of torture that I don't here the ghostly silent footsteps after me. Out of no where a pale ice hand covers my face with a white cloth. I try kicking and biting him as the fumes from the cloth burn my lungs. I hold my breath as long as I can but my lungs tire and ache.

I take a breath and smell something foul. I slowly fade into darkness, the last thing I hear is "I'm sorry your highness...."

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