➳ Teen Wolf Season 5B Preview

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Teen Wolf Season 5B preview

Okay I'm sorry guys but all I got from this preview was stydia #sorrynotsorry I've been waiting for this ship to go canon since season 1 and I don't take any stydia moment for granted!

I mean I was already excited for the getting Lydia out of Eichen House episodes bc it's ultimately up to Stiles to get her out of there but did you hear how he said "Lydia please shut up and let me save your life."


Did you hear how his voice wavered at the end?? DID YOU?! And he sounded breathless and dear god I'm absolute stydia trash. It kind of reminded me of the season 2 finale when he yelled at her in his bedroom.

"You don't care about getting hurt. But you know how I'll feel? I'll be devastated. And if you die I will literally go out of my freaking mind." I love this quote so much, I have it in my bio on my profile bc STYDIA IS LIFE!

Aside from stydia I also freaked out bc did you see Scott McCall break free from those people's hold on him! YES BAD ASS SCOTT MCCALL WILL RISE! I miss my true alpha so much I can't wait to see him in action again!

Also we saw some Mason and Corey action (; they're so cute together and I really like them together. I mean I ship Brett and Mason too but Mason and Corey are slightly cuter.

Speaking of Corey my poor baby! I hope Parrish didn't kill him bc those flames looked pretty scary and his scream broke my heart. I hope they don't kill him off, I'm gonna be vv upset if they do.

KIRA KIRA KIRA KIRA YES I'VE MISSED MY BADASS KITSUNE IN ACTION! Her presence has been missed in Beacon Hills and I cried when she left. My poor child but I can't wait for the Kira episode to see how she's been dealing with her powers. (Episode 513)

Not only did we see Kira in the preview though we also saw a scira scene. I love this ship so much omg. They're so awkward and adorable. And I don't understand why people hate on Kira, her relationship doesn't define her character.

We also got a clip of Gerard fucking shit up again and it looks like he has Parrish captive and is torturing/informing him of something?? Idk what's happening tbh but all I know is that Gerard should have stayed in the past aka S3.

Liam was being tortured in a scene and his scream and facial expression omg my poor child. What is happening and was Scott down on the floor watching?! I bet this is the scene where he gets the strength to overpower them like I mentioned earlier on. TRUE ALPHA SCOTT MCCALL TO THE RESCUE! Don't worry my son daddy's gonna save you soon.

On top of everything else we found out that the Beast of Gévaudan is actually a chimera and it's formed by shadows. So the beast is actually a person we just don't know who it is. And like previous seasons the answers are usually right under our noses so I'm pretty sure we've seen the beast's identity before on screen. We just haven't figured it out yet.

Malia was barley shown in the preview, she only had one scene and that was when she was jumping from two vans so I can't really say much about that. I wished they had given us a preview of her and the desert wolf though.

COACH AND LACROSSE ARE BACK IN 5B! I'M SO READY! I've known about lacrosse and coach being back bc of bts pictures but we have clips now! YAS! And I'm so happy that they ended the preview with coach!

"Should have stayed in rehab." I FELL OFF MY BED WHEN I SAW THIS! I couldn't stop laughing and I was so happy, it hasn't been the same without coach. His presence has been greatly missed and it's so funny bc we can totally see coach going to rehab, which is most likely the storyline for why he wasn't in 5A. lol

On a different note I have something bugging me and I'm kinda curious about it. So mountain ash is supposed to affect all supernatural creatures right? Lydia being a banshee is a supernatural creature but yet she doesn't seem to be affected by it. In season 4 when she found her grandmother's "ashes" she grabbed it and it didn't hurt her, she was fine. Then in Eichen House she's able to go down into the lower level, the supernatural level, just fine but Kira and Scott couldn't go beyond a point. So why could she? The only supernatural creature (that we've seen) that could do that is a chimera.

My point also stands for Parrish but this is only because at the end of 511 he was at the lower level of Eichen too and he seemed fine, unaffected by mountain ash too. And I know that the mountain ash is still present bc the getting Lydia out of Eichen House episodes depend on Stiles bc he's human and mountain ash doesn't affect him. I'm just curious about this and I want to know if anyone else is too or if I'm wrong about some facts. 

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