Random #82

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Things I hate:

1. waking up early
2. 1


Weird how a person last year meant nothing to you and now means so much. And a person that meant so much now means nothing


You deserve someone who loves you with every single beat of his heart. -Love, Rosie


A girl's group message with her best friends holds more secrets than the United States government...


all i want in life is another season of gossip girl


Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. -1Corinthians 13:7


That fake laugh you do when you don't understand what someone said to you.


Can I just get unlimited amount of money for shopping right now please.


Life is good because God is great. ☝


One day, I will learn how to sleep early. Not now, but Soon.


Too many songs still remind me of you.


I wish I could download food on the internet.


There are over 7,000,000,000 people on earth and I choose you.


May mga pag ibig talaga na hanggang "sana" na lang.


To those who judge me on whatever I do, this is MY LIFE not yours, please remember that.


My Mom is:
all in one.


The best things in life are free.

Concert Tickets: LOL

Merch: LOL

Food: LOL

Internet: LOL

Car: LOL

Starbucks: LOL

Pizza: LOL


My past is my past, I've made mistakes but I have learned from them too.


I miss the way we used to be.


Stop over thinking, stop worrying, stop complaining. Life is too short for all that.

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