Chapter 3. ( letter )

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Dedicate this chapter to cheesy_nan who always supports me by her beautiful comments and encourages me to write more.


Holly's POV :

My face was all red but as Alice squeezed my hand I let go off the bad guy without any reply and took my seat.

After a few moments Alice also came and sat beside me. "C'mon Holly !! I know Jake is a bad guy. But why do you hate him soo much ?? He is always normal around us." Alice  looked at me for the answer but just then when Miss Ray entered.

Mrs Ray is our English teacher. She is tall with a cute face and blonde hairs. Today she announced that we are going to have a project in which people have to be paired up. I was irritated and looked towards Alice. We both knew Miss Ray always pairs up a girl with a boy , so there is no chance of we being together as partners.

Just then an idea struck Ale how to make me happy. She took out the letter from her bag and showed it to me. The letter read -

Hi ale ,
You have the most beautiful face I have ever seen. Just the thought of you brings a smile to my face. This letter was just to remind you that , even though I know Holly would always stand by your side but there is also some one who will never leave you.

With love
Secret admirer

A smile came on my face as soon as I read the letter. She smiled at me with her face all red. I said , "OMG look is Ale really blushing? ". Just then the period got over and we went to our respective lockers.

"Hey Hol , long time no see " , Max said . Max was one of the best footballers of our school with deep blue eyes and golden hairs. Max was huge crush since 6th grade but we were just good friends. He never came to know that I like him more than a friend. One of the main reasons I hate Jake is because he is the caption of our football team of our school where as I think Max deserves to be the caption and not him." Ya , Max its really been a while since we meet ". " Hol ! Any plans for tommorow ?" , he asked me with a questioning look. "Nope , I am alwys free for u Max." "Cool then we gotta hang out after school then." With that he gave me a peck on my cheek and went. Even the touch of him brings shrills down my spine.

"Hol come on we have to go to meet Jordon , because maybe he can tell us about the letter. Babes just come out the dream land anyways you are going out with Max tommorow." I blushed as I knew Ale must have heard the whole conversation.

We went out and called up Jordon and decided to meet at my house at 4. I and Alice drove down to my house it was 2 at the time and so I insisted Ale to stay here till Jordon comes.

Ale and me had choco chip ice cream and we went to Holly's room and started wondering who the secret admirer could be.

Just then the bell rang and we both jumped out of the bed and rushed downstairs to greet Jordon.

"Hi Jo !!" both I and Alice jumped up and down to see Jordon. "Heya both of you , why are you soo excited ?" he asked. We decided to go into my room and tell him about the letter.

We told Jordon about the letter that we got from the novel and asked him " Do you have any idea who could be writing such a letter ? ". Just then I saw the playfull look in Jordon's eyes. I could guess what Jordon was upto since we both have been buddy friends since so long so I knew what was he thinking. Both Jordon and I went near to Alice with huge smile on our faces and Jo said , "Wow Ale some one is out there who really loves you. " With that both I and Jordon started tickling Alice. She tried to run away but both me and Jordon held her from both the sides and started tickling her. We both knew Ale is a kinda of a person who just jumps up and down with just the thought of tickling. We all enjoyed and laughed till our stomach started hurting . Then we all lay in my bed tired after have a playfull fight between us.

I asked Alice with a serious look in her eyes , " Hope that secret admirer won't ever take my or Jordon's place in your life ? ". " How can you even think of such a thing Hol !! You and Jo always have a special place in my heart which can't be ever replaced by anyone." With that she came near me and said , "Until you stop tickiling me , if you do so there are chances that I might change our place." With that both Jordon and Alice climbed up on me and started tickling me.

After a few moments we realised that it was quite late and we all had to go school tommrow.

Jo promised us that tommrow he would be going to the library and he would check out who had taken the novel before Jordon issued it so we could get a little hint who might have written that letter.

We all said our good byes and waited for a long day ahead of us as tomorrow Miss Ray would be pairing up.


Hope all of you liked the chapter. Isn't there friendship really cute ??

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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