03.5 : Another Encounter

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0 3 . 5 : A n o t h e r E n c o u n t e r

+ C o n t i n u a t i o n +

[Moshi, moshi~?]


[Oh, if it isn't senpai~ Why did you called me~?]

"We found him, he's on the same school where your previous kouhai is studying at."

[Are, really? That's great, senpai! Should I go there?]

"Do it on your own will, we'll wait here."

[Ok --]

"Brother." His older brother interrupted their tiny chit chat between phones, so he was forced to cut the line.


"What are you doing there, brother~?" The older brother's voice darkened as he glared at his younger sibling.

"Are you hiding something from me,


+ × +

Meanwhile, inside the gymnasium . . .

"So, Souta --" Daichi was cut off.

"-- Call me by my first name instead, Daichi-senpai," You smiled at him, a warm one, resulting all the boys (except Tsukishima, of course) squeal as your cute side appeared on their very own eyes.

Mostly blushed quietly, like Daichi, Asahi, and Ennoshita. And along with Sugawara and Yamaguchi who muttered, "She's adorable~" Before they earn nosebleeds.

"TOO CUTE!" Tanaka and Nishinoya blurted out, constantly shouting compliments about your sudden change of actions, close to fainting.

Hinata is shaking in fear and joy, "Wh - What is this?"

Kageyama is keeping his head turn away from your sight, trying to hide his dark blush from his cheek.

Tsukishima, err, he does not care. But on the inside, he is thinking that you are too damn adorable to resist. "Majesty-san, is there a lost soul stucked in your body? You seem weird~" He said, trying to control himself from blushing by being a dickhead.

Well, a while ago, all of you formed a cricle together. Your two older brothers planned this, to make you all get along with each other. Unfortunately, the two of them left you with your schoolmates, letting you get asked by them.

Daichi cleared his throat, the little blush from his cheeks is starting to disappear, "Let's go back from questioning, okay?"

"[First Name]-san, if I can call you that . . . If you're a girl, does the principal knows?"

You nodded, "Hai. In fact, she's my cousin."

WHY IS SHE SO POLITE ALL OF THE SUDDEN!? They all thought only in their minds.

You decided to play with their emotions. You tried hard to be nice, well on the inside, you can feel yourself cringing so much, dreaming that you should drop the act after minutes or so.

It's kind of funny. They could be easily tricked by your girly actions. Blushing here, blushing there. But you will stop that lousy act starting tomorrow. It's just an experiment, you know.

+ × +

You had a good time with your playmates earlier. Sharing laughs, jokes, even lame puns. It made your heart lighten up a little bit.

Something's bothering you, though.

How about your two brothers?

Where have they gone to? Why did they left you behind just a flash? Does something important happened so they left you without saying goodbye?

Shrugging it off, since you thought it might be more important than your uniting time with your siblings, you started to walk further the school gates, heading on your way home.

You told your playmates that your identity as a female is still a secret for the other schoolmates. As a result, you're still wearing your male's uniform.

Starting to get near to the school gates, you hear constant squeals from the girls. Girls on your school, to be exact.

"Kyah~ Why is he here!?"

"Oh my gosh! Who would he visit here in Karasuno? A girl? Friend? Girl friend?"

"I didn't expected he would visit Karasuno!"

Who is it this time? You sighed, shaking your head lightly sidewards. This might cause you to get stucked in the middle of the group of girls crowding the school gates.

Is it an another trashy guy? Yeah, maybe.

You were planning to go home as early as possible, because of . . . something important to do.

Yes, something important.

Watching anime.

"Eh? He's heading towards [Last Name]-kun?"

"No, senpai! Don't go near him! He might punch your fascinating face!"

"It's gonna be okay, girls~ Don't worry~" The unknown guy sang as he winked at his fangirls, making them almost faint.

You weren't even listening to those voices, it wasn't part of your business, after all. Plus, you're in deep thoughts, thinking on what anime you should watch later after you got home.

"Sou-chaaan~" An unfimiliar yet similar tone called you.

Your eyebrows knitted in annoyance, He might be the one who cause these fangirls gather, you thought.

And why the annoying nickname? I know only one person calls me that, but that's from several years ago!

You turned to the direction where the voice is coming and replied, "Why the hell would you call me --" As soon as you saw his face, your eyes widened in surprise.

"T - Tooru-san?" You asked. You couldn't believe it.

"You know I missed you, Sou-chan~" Oikawa grinned at you in a devilish manner, his one hand on his hip, and he's pointing a finger on you.

"I'll defeat you this time, Souta."

+ T o b e c o n t i n u e d +

I/XII/XVI, Tuesday

Author's Note :
Welp. Sorry guys.

1) Super late update. Asdfghjkl, I lost inspiration help.

2) y did i add trash king so early. wtf. Please shot me.

3) Another bad update. Sorry.

4) Shitty shit as ever. I'm really sorry. I might edit them in the future, or I don't even know. ; w ;

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