
57 7 1

Wednesday 1:39am

Wastxd has unmuted the chat.

Wastxd- Sorry for leaving last time.

XxAndrewxX- It's okay, I understand.

XxAndrewxX- What's up

Wastxd- Nothing much, just laying down. You?

XxAndrewxX- Hmm, same.

Wastxd- Hmm?

XxAndrewxX- It means I'm thinking lol but most of the time I'm actually squinting my eyes.

Wastxd- Haha, cool.

XxAndrewxX- Yep lol.

XxAndrewxX- Tell me more about yourself. What do you like?

Wastxd- Music, I LOVE music.

XxAndrewxX- Oh really? What kind?

Wastxd- Rock, screamo, metal I guess.

XxAndrewxX- Oh wow that's awesome, I do too :)

Wastxd- Really? As in bands?

XxAndrewxX- Yes omg! Bands are life!!!

Wastxd- Omf are you serious? Yasss

XxAndrewxX- Lol of course.

Wastxd- What are your fav ones?

XxAndrewxX- You tell me.

Wastxd- Okay lol

Wastxd- BMTH, PTV, MCR, OM&M, TOP, Issues, AA, Suicide Silence (RIP MITCH), SWS, FIR, FOB, ATL, Imagine Dragons, Slipknot, Amity Affliction, Motionless in White etc.

XxAndrewxX- Omg Mitch :(

Wastxd- IKR, I miss him so much. He was such a great screamer.

XxAndrewxX- So those are your fav bands?

Wastxd- Yes

XxAndrewxX- Well, all those bands you just listed are awesome!

Wastxd- Really, you like them too?

XxAndrewxX- Yesssss

Wastxd- That's great :)

XxAndrewxX- Can we be fwends :3

Wastxd- LOL of course


Wastxd- Lmao, who's your idol?

XxAndrewxX- It would have to be Nikki Sixx from Motley Crüe, I look up to him a lot.

Wastxd- I don't really know who he is but I've heard of Motley Crüe.

XxAndrewxX- Who's your idol?

Wastxd- Mitch Lucker

XxAndrewxX- Nice!

Wastxd- yeah lol

XxAndrewxX- So tell me...

Wastxd- Oh fuck, sorry I gtg.

XxAndrewxX- Oh...okay...we'll talk tomr yeh?

Wastxd- Yep. See ya later.

XxAndrewxX- Bye

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