part 22£

300 23 3

Everyone got ready I wore a skirt with tops I went down

Arvind: ya we are ready where are you gunddu

Shurti: coming

I came down everyone sat on the car suddenly I remember that I didn't bring my phone

Shurti: arvind

Arvind: yap

Shurti: arvind I have forgotten my phone can you please wait for awhile will be back in a minute

Arvind: your phone is so important is it

Shurti: ya need to talk about the dance important anna

Arvind: OK ok

Shurti: I opened the door and went in

Ani: dei I go wash my hands and come

Arvind: ya go

I went in to the home and didn't wash my hands I straightly went to shurti's room

Shurti: where is it omg

I heard coughing sound I turn and it was ani

Shurti: I just came here to take my phone

Ani: so what I love you

Shurti: stop ani I spot my phone okay come lets go

Ani: wait we didn't romance since one day

Shurti: huh???? What are you talking about .stop okay

I start to walk but ani hold my wrist and pull me towards him

Shurti: ani stop I feeling uncomfortable and shy

Ani: omg you look so cute you now that

I pushed ani and went to car ani came after one min I and malathi was seating behind. ani was seating next to driver seat

We reach the mall

We was walking when I walk I will walk in front I don't like to walk behind when I was walking some one hit my shoulder with his shoulder

Shurti: excuse can't u see people are walking stupid

The ppl: what stupid huh hey mind your words okay munjiya parru I am not stupid you stupid your brother stupid your mother stupid everyone stupid I didnt hit you purposely don't think that u are so pretty he hurts me with some bad word

Shurti : I kept quiet the guy when y he need to include my family I was about to cry

There came ani and arvind as so malathi

Arvind: hey y are you standing here and y is your face like this

Shurti: no was waiting for you

Arvind: what waiting for me

Shurti: no for malathi I hold her hand and walk

Malathi: what happened

Shurti: stupid someone hit me and telling munja parru and said my family stupid I start to cry and said what he said

Malathi: hey it is a small matter hey you came for to be happy don't tell it to your bro or ani and make it big problem

Shurti : I shook my head up and down

We went to a restaurant I and malathi went to see the nature so I can relax my mind but I can't

Ani: hey Shurti what are you doing here come and order the food

Shurti: I am not hungry u go and eat

Ani : why you look so disturb

Shurti: am I no I was just relaxing my mind seeing this nature

Ani: okay when are you thinking to eat come and eat okay

Shurti shook her head

malathi: are you okay shurti

Shurti : no I am not

Malathi console me for awhile

To be continued

Sorry guys for the boring part

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