my Irish dancer danced into my heart chapter 4

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Kat pov
After and I cleaned up and everything came out the bathroom I noticed that Louis was sitting down having a drink he just got up and came over to me and said

Louis Liam's up in his flat if you're ready to go up and see Him now so we can get you flat in the building

Kat alright let's go

Me and Louis to the elevator up to the penthouse

Louis this is his place so come on inside and well see what we can do for you

Louis opens the door

Louis hay mate this is Kat

Liam hay nice to meet you so your mother is going to be my new assistant and stuff like that who what I need to do now is figure out where you going to be staying because from what Luis told me your dorm didn't work out

Kat yes I'm how they actually overbooked dorms and everything in a lot of us and it up without them because of the shortest the dorms on campus

Liam well I'll give you a flat in this building considering that your mother is working for me and I will have it there to rent would have been much you paid for the dorm until you can figure out what to do in job wise and then I'll put your rent up so basically what your scholarship was covering on your dorm will cover your rent until we see what happens for now and if you can't find a job on your own I'm always looking for people to work at my company you know doing simple things like running errands and stuff like that you're capable of doing things like that at your age right going for coffee and stuff like that space what intern work but I'll pay you for it if I have to

Kat yeah that would be great even if I do get another job besides that will help but a lot of extra money is well I got to do what I got to do to get by like my mother said she's trying to raise me and my two younger sisters and I told her I'm almost old enough to work and raised myself a little bit now so I'm going to try to be more responsible for myself but then she has to do is worry about my sisters

Liam so they say you're going to take responsibility for yourself and try to help your mother out of it that's what a good daughter would do and that's the way to be like I said I always help my family out of my friends and I try to consider anybody who works for me part of my family and I take their circumstances into who just because I'm this big time business agent who runs a company where I can be an agent to anybody from a model to the movie started to a popstar to add answer to whatever I need to be but I've always kept a hell of a head and kept my life and my work separate I try just do anything I've been doing here lately I'm sorry my cell doesn't work because they're really haven't found the right girl at least I got these good friends I can always count on this knucklehead me and one of them

Louis hay mate I'm one of the friends that will do anything to help you out mate

Liam I know you I'm just joking around with you mate

Kat good to see how you guys are also joking around about stuff

Liam yes come on let's go see the flats mine going to give you and will work it all out for why you are here with getting you a job and working for me and if I need to help you more out I will with the schooling and everything you need for your dance scholarship

Kat well thanks

Liam don't mention anything about like I said your mother is going to working for me so you are family far as I'm concerned come on let's go check out that flat

We went to check out the flat when we got there I couldn't believe my eyes it was a2 bedroom apartment that look very beautiful the kitchen was very spacious and everything the rent he said is normally hi but for me help put it down a couple of month I'll put it down a couple of hundred because he understands the circumstances but I think for young girl like me he said should have a place that she can feel comfortable in

Liam well the rent for a place like this is usually around 500-600 a month or more depending so I'm going to lowered to that 400 for you since you're only a college student so that should do you well and about those other people you said having problems with the dorms situation I have another building that I just renovated and I'm not using it for anything yet if I was getting ready to figure out what to use it for I think I'll call the university and ask them if they want to rent the building out of dorms cuz if they do I'll come over the agreement for them because that might just help to fine arts school with the housing situation for a lot of students but you young lady can stay in this apartment a lot better than the other building

Kat well thank you and I will take this apartment and the rent at 400 if I get a job that will be very sufficient and be very affordable for me thank you

Liam it is going to be horrible for you because you are did you have that one job offer to you would you schedule gladly take working for me if I go for and stuff and trust me I don't pay cheap normally it will be like $10 an hour or more for a minimum wage let's just say I pay my girlfriends like you $25 an hour and all you have to do with such coffee run errands get my dry cleaning and do things like that for me that I don't have time to do when I'm so busy on business trips and answer phones and stuff basically you'll be assistant to an assistant so sometimes you might work with your mother or sometimes you might work with somebody else but basically you're a good job with the golfer and that's how I work my business is quite small well known if you can see

Kat of course I can see and me working as a gofer you will help me pay for my rent and everything and help me get everything else that I need thank you

Liam. Well you need to make a living so how your mother gets paid 40 dollars an hour about that so she can support your younger sisters and whatever else she needs to do but you just got you to worry about so that's good and your mother did say she's very proud of how the young woman that you going to be done she likes the fact that you're stepping up and taken on your own responsibilities

Kat well at one time use to be able to count on our Father and then everything changed when he started going out and doing things you shouldn't be doing so then I decided to be the proper person and step up and help out more and then Mom and got to the point where she couldn't handle what he was doing anymore and she decide to divorce him and then she asked me that before she did it what I thought about it I said well if it's what's best for you it's what's best for you you got to do with going to make the right decision we can do is be happy if I staying together I must face it or not happy with the way he's going on so maybe we need a new change and you and my sister is deathly needed I said to her plus I don't need to deal with my ex boyfriend

Liam well it good to see how far you come

Meanwhile with Niall

Niall pov

I just finish doing another show I love dancing universe thing about but sometimes it takes a lot of the energy out of me girls were throwing themselves at me like crazy I'm just so tired of it I want to find the right girl who care for me and you love me for me I just want to get this over with so I can get home climb into my bed and be with my mates and I have a few beer knock back a few cold ones that's right I just want to be a normal man for a little bit I love this is almost at dancing with my career is what I love to do the most but can people accept me for who I am

Josh Niall's manager I see that you were thinking about all those people throwing themselves at I hear you you want to just to have someone who love you for you that time will come when the time is right these girls go to learn to back off

Niall yeah I mean I know big special person I'm just as Pearson who dances on stage and loves what he does and its my career yes I'm thankful I have fans and everything on that but I gotta know it deep down inside I'm just a normal guy I like anyone else I just wish I could find a girl who want me for me and not all the drama and I'm sick and tired of the ex girlfriends I had that only wanted me for b******* and now they're still coming after me won't even try to say that I was your son's baby daddy but I made sure of it and I wasn't I had a DNA test done and found out that she was sleeping, but when I was with her so you rule that the baby was mine and I tell you there's just too many cracks in the world these days

Josh you said at the know you might be in the meet the right girl when you get back home one day

Niall ya I hope well it good there's only a month left to the tour I just want to get home and be with my mates

But I'm praying when I get home I might find a girl that what's me for the real me man that not to much ask for in life

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