my Irish dancers dance into my heart chapter19

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I was getting ready for the competition I wasn't sure if I can do this but I knew what this part of my team and the support of my baby that I can pull to you I'm glad that Niall I'm at cuz if it wasn't for him I don't know where I would be I'm just wondering how am I going to make it through all this and how am I going to deal with everything for my pass as well

Niall you're going to have great job of it you're going to make everybody proud of you just like I'm proud of you now come on don't be so nervous cuz almost time for you to get ready and get out there and dance and then do it like you mean it the rest of the team if they're behind you as well I'm so proud of you the train you best I could and the rest of the team but just know they love you for who you are

Kat thank you baby but this is going to be kind of hard for me to get out there and do this the first time I've actually dance in front of people in a long time and that's how i'ma comfort zone yes I love dancing yes I'm taking dancing yes I've always wanted to do this but I've never really dance for anyone other than my family back home and a small people in my town and you know places I know this is a big step for me anyway I better get right team is getting in place and I know they're counting on me okay let's do this I thought to myself

Niall alright be careful break a leg you know the old saying

Kat I don't get why they would tell you to break a leg when you're doing a dance competition or when you're doing any type of formats sometimes I don't get away they say things these days or am I just reading way into it

Niall you need to learn to relax baby you got too many bundles of nerves going on right now just focus and get ready for the competition you have me your mother and your sisters Liam and everybody else is out there to support you and just remember Zayn is one of. the judges

Kat great in a way that kind of makes me even more nervous because I mean he's come a good friend to me don't want to let him down but then again all you guys have been here a good support for me ok suck it up girl you need to focus on this and support everybody is they are counting on you, focus focus focus

Niall okay take a deep breath one calm down take it clearly and don't put too much pressure on yourself remember its just a competition with her you guys win or lose you worked hard to get here okay don't do something that's going to be rush yourself or anything like that just take a deep breath and focus on the dance and see what happens all you can do is your best

Kat I knew there was a reason why I fell in love with you love at first site you always know what to say to calm me down and you know what baby I'm really looking forward to spending more time with you tonight oh and I know I've never done anything with you pass a few little bit of foreplay or anything but I'm thinking that maybe if we win this competition just maybe tonight might be your lucky night

Niall will you keep on talking like that then if it will work so then yeah it will be my lucky night but I'm going to make it special for you now get out there break a leg like I said a million times before

Kat okay baby love you

Niall I love you more and I'll go before you do something that you don't know what you're going to be doing you have to have a lot more faith in yourself sometimes because everybody around you do

Niall POV

I could tell how nervous and everything she wants for the competition and she didn't know that help right I was talking about tonight I mean it when I told her the tonight maybe would like a night like she said to the praying hope it is because if they won the competition still have a lot to feel good about even if they don't win I'm planning on doing something tonight to talk to her mother and everything about it first because we have now been dating for 5 months I love her very dearly and her mother can tell that is not fake but her mother could tell that it's real love and a mother could tell us what we need also talk to her mother more about it because I wanted to know if ur mother thought it was too early for me to ask her to marry me because I know we've only been on this together for 6 months but it just feels right her mother you inside of it feels right and you both got that good feeling go for it her mother even said she knows that has to be real for her because her daughter is not one to open up so easily

Liam hey mate how you holdin up. Even your plan on doing tonight I think that you're doing the right thing I mean bout time you got a girl that want you for you you don't need to be with some b**** want you just because of who you are and what'd you do not about that that's it's about real love and everything and I never seen you like this in a million years man I think you finally found the one

Niall oh I don't think I have I know I have and that's one thing I'll never trade for the rest of my life and I even ask your mother for permission and her mother was all for it your mother just wants her safe and happy after enduring everything being heard back of their pasts nice to see anyway let's hope this competition goes well tonight and I could see the Zayn and they're all gun whole kids when the judges which is good thing if you ask me

But one thing is for sure my baby is not going to be coming tonight I'm going to make her know just how much I love her and she's going to know it when I have to get down on one knee but she's not going to see it coming

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