Chapter 46

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             Thank you for stopping by and read! I'm very sorry for any grammar mistakes. I will try to update as much as possible.

Most recent visualization!

I want to thank destinymclovin1228 for voting and commenting on my last chapter. I really appreciated it, thank you! :)

Bold and slanted = character's thoughts.


    " Mom, I have something to tell you!" [Name] exclaimed excitedly.

" What is it dear?" Her mom asked, confused at her sudden jumpiness.

" I am expecting triplets!!!"

"OMG, YOU ARE NOT KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW ARE YOU?" [Name]'s  mom squeal happily. 

" NOPE." [Name] said happily. Sebastian was chuckling cutely in the background.  " Is that Sebastian in the background?"

" Yes, he is currently doing his work in his computer." [Name] answered. [Name] kept talking to her mother about the good news.

Sebastian POV:

Ah! [Name] is just too cute for her own good. I mean look at her, she have a bright smile on her face and she is wearing my t-shirt. Could life get any better? Right now I am currently looking online for baby stuff, since we are expecting triplets, it is going to be a handful.

But it is all worth it at the end. Sometimes I can't believe [Name] is actually here, happily married to me. Now we are expecting triplets on our way. And they are all boys. I hope they all look like [Name], now that would be very cute!

I didn't tell the news to my parents yet, because I want this to be a surprise to them. Right now my mom and dad are enjoying vacation somewhere in the Caribbean. Nice life.

I wonder what is Luke doing now? Long time no hear from him.  I wonder how will he react when he knows that [Name] is pregnant. Anyways, I need to focus on the stuff that I am ordering, I want everything to be in order when the triplets come in our life. OCD much?

You know what I will give Luke a call. We can have lunch together, with his girlfriend. I know how much [Name] loves food, so that is why she is coming with me too.  I pick up the phone and give Luke a call.

" What's up man, long time no see." I exclaimed.

" Hey, how are you doing?" He stated.

"I'm doing great, and I was wondering if you want to go to lunch with [Name] and I, you can also bring your girlfriend."

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