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Freddie, Charlotte and the kids were still sat on a sofa in the Bean. Louis was content in his Daddy's arms, Amelia was being fed her bottle, and Charlotte wanted answers. They had made small talk for long enough, it was time to finally start getting to the truth. "You've gotta tell me why you did it, Fred. Don't say it was 'for the wedding', because what could possess you to steal another man's child like that?" Charlotte questioned him. She was determined to get to the bottom of this.

Freddie sighed, he had been hoping Charlotte would drop it. "I suppose you deserve to know." He mumbled, before clearing his throat. "After my Dad died, my Mum got with Rick, Robbie and Jason's Dad. Rick was...all kinds of evil. Neither me, Joe or Zig liked him, we had to watch him day after day when he beat my Mum, sometimes even coming after me and Joe as well. We'd have done anything to keep Rob and Jase safe." Freddie started to explain. "It was hard, sometimes he would just come out of no where and start beating us, but we took it, for Mum and the twins sake. Anyway, things started to finally look as if they were on the up when Mum gave birth to Rick's daughter, my little sister, Lily. You see, Rick had an ongoing feud with this gang of thugs, and they took Lily from us, they murdered my little sister, Charley. I just wanted to get them back for hurting my baby sister, I never, ever would've hurt his daughter, I let her go once they gave me the money." He told her, truthfully.

"Fred...I had no idea." Charlotte was almost lost for words.

"I would never let any harm come to you, Louis or Amelia. What happened...happened. And I feel so guilty for it, you have no idea. To nearly have lost all three of you? It was a massive smack in the face. You and our babies mean the absolute world to me and I love you three more than you could ever know. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, please do. I don't just want you, Charley, I need you. You complete me. You and our little family are everything. Lou, Mils and that little one inside you are my purpose." Freddie couldn't apologise enough, he wouldn't stop at anything to get his family back.

Charlotte said nothing, actions spoke louder than words. She put her arms around Freddie's neck, careful not to squash Louis, and hugged him close. She had missed his sweet scent, his warm embrace. As Freddie slipped his arm around her waist, his other arm supporting Louis, she leaned back and kissed him.

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" Freddie asked hopefully.

"It means we can work on it." Charlotte smiled at him in response. "I have a little confession. I never cancelled the wedding." She admitted. "So unless you have, we better get on to that soon."

"Why cancel it? Just because right now were only 'working on' our relationship, we both know we were made for each other, were gonna get married at some point, I say why not sooner rather than later." Freddie made a valid point. "Besides, you'll look cute in a wedding dress with a little baby bump." He smirked a little. He was pushing his luck.

"Your telling me I have to get married while I'm pregnant? Greeeat." Charlotte replied sarcastically. "Not that I mind being pregnant, these two never gave me much bother."

"Charlotte? What are you doing here? Especially with him!" Leela's voice came from behind them. "You promised me you wouldn't forgive him! After everything he put you and the kids through, all three of you nearly lost your lives, have you just forgotten about that? He almost killed his own children, what does that say about a man?"

"Don't even start, Leela. You want to talk about men? What about Cameron? That guy you were going to marry who killed my Dad? Our Dad and your Mum? Me and Ste are orphans because our Mum died of cancer and your boyfriend killed our Dad. And then, he tried to kill you because you took Peri away from him. If that's not enough, he kidnapped his own brother, locked him in a shed and left him there to rot, almost killing my daughter and son in the process. It was Freddie who saved our lives that day. Fred didn't mean to hurt us, he had his reasons for what he did, which I now understand, and its my choice if I forgive him or not. For now, were working on our relationship. I love Freddie and what is the point of letting that go? You still visit Cameron in prison, you still love him. so why can't I love him, he's the father of my two babies." Charlotte argued with her sister. Leela couldn't just dictate her life for her, she had to take control.

"You hurt my little sister again, and I will personally chop of your fingers, one by one." Leela warned Freddie, before stalking back out of the Bean.

"Don't fall out with your sister because of me." Freddie told her.

"She's just gonna have to accept it." Charlotte shrugged.

"Accept what?" Charlotte's brother, Ste, collapsed on the sofa opposite them, balancing his coffee on his knee.

"Me and Fred are back together." Charlotte braced herself for the outburst of another siblings wrath.

"Oh nice one." Ste grinned at them. "Congratulations."

"Your not gonna have a go like Leela did?" Charlotte couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or if he genuinely meant it.

"No, I'm happy you are back together. Just because Leela doesn't like it, who cares? She's just being over protective. If you've found the person that makes you happy, don't let them go, not for anything. I found that out with Harry, I've finally got him, and now theres no chance I'm letting him go again. Just look after my little sister, yeah? She's precious to me, I love her, no more car accidents, alright? Dunno what I'd do without her little face to brighten my mornings." Ste told them. He still had to look out for his sister, but Charlotte was old enough to make her own decisions, why shouldn't she be allowed to have happiness with Freddie?

Baby Daddy ~ [Hollyoaks - Freddie Roscoe] FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now