Rosalie and Bardock meet ChiChi

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~rosalie's POV....again!~

We stepped inside and looked around. I found kakarot again talking to some woman with her hair in a bun with 2 strands hanging down.

"Kakarot, this is your 'mate' i presume..." i stated glaring at the strange woman

"And who is THAT goku..." the bossy earth woman gave aniki-chan a strange look

"well-" he said when bardock walked in

"GOKU....." the woman yelled pulling out a random frying pan

"heh, chichi i can, uh, the man's my real dad, and the girl is my sister!" aniki-chan stated, terrified of this "chichi" woman

me and bardock looked at eachother confusedly.

"i'm gonna go with, the strange woman's name is chichi..." i said to my father

me and bardock looked back at kakarot and his mate...aka "chichi"

"kakarot, please tell you're not afraid of this human" bardock and i both asked

chichi growled at us then walked over *might a say with her frying pan....good kami imagine POed chichi with a machine gun O_O*

chichi made an attempt to him me with the frying pan but i held out my index finger and stopped it and it just kind....broke....

"was that supposed to hurt me?" i asked

chichi just kinda stood there....shocked

"pathetic, daddy i wanna meet kakarot's other friends.....i wanna see if any of them could do any damage to me!" i exclaimed while smirking

Goku smiled and said

"i'll get 'em!"

~about 20/30 minutes later~

me and daddy stood outside waiting for him to get back, just then a bunch of men landed behind kakarot.

"here they are!" he announced as he stepped away

i blinked twice.

"ummm....they look kinda fragile and easy to break,'specially the smaller ones" i stated bluntly

then i spotted piccolo and started to giggle

"look daddy, its the one i bitch slapped!" i announced pointing at piccolo

he started to chuckle

the Z-Fighter looked at piccolo like the fuck

"ok yeah,i'm gonna kick her ass" piccolo stated in a pretrubed tone to his voice

i smiked and approached him

"oh now come, you think you, a namekian, can beat me,a saiyan?" i questioned him with an evil smirk on my face

"hold up....i just realized, kakarot, where is your brother raditz?" bardock asked

i could hear piccolo mumble ah fuck

"he kinda got killed by....piccolo....and me......" goku stated

I growled and said

"aniki-chan Raditz...killed by a LOW-CLASS and  NAMEKIAN!? THATS ITS! daddy can i bring out my little suprise?" i asked my otousan (father)

he smirked at me

"if you want to but you might kill them" bardock stated

i smiled

"oki, here it goes!" i announced

a golden aura formed around me as my hair and eye brows turned blond and my eyes turned teal,then electricity flew around me, then my hair got 3x longer, then my tail turned chrimson red and my hair turned black and my eyes turned goldenmy arms got chrimson red fur covering them and fur covered most of my body hidden under my saiyan armor.

"BOOM BITCHES, BEHOLD SUPER....SAIYAN.....4!!!!" i announched proudly

Goku's little sister RosalieWhere stories live. Discover now