imchigon wrote dis chapahatah!!! *chapter*

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“You'll die.” Rosalie stated bluntly, not really giving a damn.

Bardock narrowed his eyes as he stepped back from his son.

“You only reached Super Saiyan dad. They said they were in the millions, since when was the last time your ass was up there? Exactly. So don't bother daddy unless you're in need of a death wish.” Rosalie stated matter-of-factly.

Bardock sighed, “If you say so Rosalie.”

This really hurt his pride, but he couldn't remain depressed for long. At least this was his son, so now he just felt pride. Then he remembered something, he motioned for Rosalie to step forward.

“Kakarot, this is your sister, Rosalie. Rosalie, you know who this is.”

Said girl nodded and smiled, “Sup Carrot. Bardock told me what he could about you. You're practically the spitting image of Daddy.”

She flew around Goku as she inspected him, “Do you have a mate Kakarot?”

“It's Goku...”

Rosalie ignored his correction and continued, “I presume she is a human? You have her scent on you.”

Goku nodded, “Uhh... Yeah.”

Rosalie landed in front of Goku and studied him. Goku squirmed under her intense gaze.

“Is there something wrong?”

Rosalie shook her head, 'Yep. He definitely hit his head as a brat.'

“Hey, wanna have a little spar?” Rosalie asked.

Bardock snickered, “Going against your own words I see.”

The saiyan girl waved him off, “Nonsense Daddy. You were asking for a full blown battle, I, on the other hand, am asking for a simple spar. Unlike you, I actually think things through.”

A strange spark appeared in Rosalie's eyes as she got into a battle stance and stared intently at her brother.

“Let's dance.”

Goku got into a stance as well, in his normal form.

“I'll go easy.”

Rosalie shrugged, “Whatever suits you.”

They charged at each other and began with hand to hand combat.

“You're pretty fast...” Goku commented as he blocked a kick.

Rosalie smirked, “I could say the same thing about you Kakarot.”

They flew back, away from each other. Rosalie panted a little, but was other wise, normal. Goku's breathing was still regular, as he was tremendously stronger then Rosalie.

“Can I test my ki attacks?”

Goku nodded, “Sure, give me your best shot.”

Rosalie smiled and powered an attack, if she were fighting him back when Frieza was considered a strong enemy, maybe Goku would have been serious. But, this obviously ain't the case.

“Would have seriously hurt Frieza, but it's not enough to even make flinch.” Goku stated.

Rosalie rolled her eyes, 'If I could take down Frieza than it's good enough for me.'

She flew down and landed on the ground. She smiled and ran at Goku.


Before Goku could react, he was enveloped in hug.

“It's really boring when all you have is daddy for company!” Rosalie stated as she let go of Goku.

Once that was done and over with, Goku invited them to stay at his house. Rosalie accepted happily wile Bardock just nodded

Goku's little sister RosalieWhere stories live. Discover now