Chapter 10

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    Niall and I were walking back to class from the nurses office. Sadly, we had to part ways because we had a different first period. I was walking when I saw the newest locker in the school. It was a brighter blue, not dull or beat up.

    Once I made sure his teacher knew why he was late I made my way to my class. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. A minute later, my teacher came to the door.

    "Perfect timing, Liam, we just started a test." Mrs. Smith, my AP English teacher said as I handed her my excuse. I walked, well kind of hobbled, to my seat in class.

    Mrs. Smith passed out my test a minute after I had a seat. I looked at the material and sighed, knowing I might not finish in time. As I thought, I was finishing the middle page of the test when she had to take them up. Nobody was getting extra time to finish it.

      "Mrs. Smith, is there any chance I can have extra time for the minutes I was out?" I asked hopefully, after the bell rang. She sighed and I knew the answer already.

    "Liam, that wouldn't be fair, even if you were out of the room for ten to fifteen extra minutes. I let it slide because I knew you could finish the test. You always finish the tests with half of class to go." Mrs. Smith stated, knowing we both knew I was one of her smartest students.

      "Those missed minutes could change everything though." I argued back, knowing I just had to finish this test. If I didn't my grade would drop.

    "I'm sorry, Liam, I just can't do that for you." She sincerely said as the tardy bell rang for the next class.

   "But-" I started.

   "Liam, no buts. End of discussion." Mrs. Smith stated.

   "May I at least have a slip to class?" I asked hardly above a whisper. She walked over to her desk and pulled out a blue slip and writing something on it. She handed it to me and walked me towards the door.

   "I'm really sorry about this Liam." She said as she shut the door behind me. I know her class was looking at me, but at least it was the younger years in there.

     As I walked to my next class I tried to decipher how I felt. I knew I was angry and upset. My grades meant the world to me, their mainly why I had to drop a sport to pick them up.

   I was furious at myself for not finishing the test in time. I was just past the halfway point, that's the worst and slowest I have ever taken the test. I also felt like I was going to cry because that awful grade, I knew I was going to get, was going to bring my grade down, a lot.

      I knocked on my Science class door, waiting for an answer. I could feel how tense I was, I knew it was just so I didn't last out and break something that I could break. This happened before, I ended up kicking a locker in so far so that it wouldn't open again. I had to pay for the locker to be replaced, the new locker specifically in the hallway. Poor kid couldn't get it opened.

     Most kids ended up being scared of me, even the older students. I don't even know what I was thinking when it happened, I was just so mad at myself for letting my grades drop.

   Mrs. Norwalk opened the door and let me in and I handed her the slip. When I was seated, I set my head in my hands and let my thoughts devour me. I didn't even notice Niall staring at me until he poked me on the shoulder.

   "What?" I almost hissed at him. Niall looked taken aback for a second before he noticed the look in my eyes.

   "What happened?" He asked me. I sighed deeply before looking at him again.

    "Mrs. Smith, my English teacher, wouldn't let me have the spare time, that I missed while we were out, to finish my test. I was hardly halfway through the test when she collected them. I basically failed the test, so now my grade is going to drop down." I could feel my hands clenching and unclenching on top of the double desks.

    "Oh." Was all Niall replied. I didn't even realize that Mrs. Norwalk, was giving us half the time to have it free. I got up from my desk and went over to hers.

   "Yes, Liam. How may I help you?" She asked.

    "May I go see Coach Boyce, it's an emergency." I said, knowing it was. I could feel myself losing control, slowly but surely.

    "Go ahead." She said as she wrote me a pass.

    "Can you put these in my locker for me. I know I won't be back for this class." I said to Niall quietly. He nodded and I practically ran out the class door. I jogged to Coach Boyce to see he was outside. When he saw me approaching him he smiled, the frowned.

   "Liam, what brings you here?" Coach asked me. I explained to him my situation and how I needed to release my anger.

   "Please, I don't really want to buy another locker for this school. It reminds me everyday when we pass it. It sticks out because how new it is." I said as Coach smiled at the memory of it.

   "What about my class?" Coach asked suspiciously. I looked onto the field and saw Sean Spencer, a kid who was really responsible and in his Senior year, as well.

    "Sean, come here for a minute, please." I waited for him to come over to us. "We need you to watch the class for the of this class. I need him for something. You get them into the dressing room exactly eight minutes before the bell rings. Check your watch constantly, bell rings at 11:30." He nodded to us.

     I practically dragged Coach Boyce to the gym and made him wait for me to change into my workout clothes that I keep in my assigned sports locker. When I exited, we made out way to the weight lifting room. Inside there, is a punching bag that I used to train with.

    Coach had me practicing new techniques for the rest of that class. We heard when the gym class came in, when the bell rang signaling to go to the next class, and we heard when the tardy bell rang.

      I, now, felt how I did when I left Mrs. Smith's class to begin with. I knew I needed to put my mind on another thing before it came back.

** 07/30

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