Chapter 12

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    My first week of school was almost over, today is Friday. Today is also the Wild-Card, where guests can come and watch our performances. I am just hoping nobody I know will come and watch today, that would be awful if that happened.

   Over that last few days, a rumor spread that I got in a fight with some drug dealers; I am an underground boxer; and that I fought a guy over a girl and won, putting the other guy in the hospital. So, many people are now scared of me.

    I think it's hilarious that people believe the stupidest things they hear. Oh, and another rumor went out that I was gay and in a relationship with Harry. This school and all the lies people feed them. Now, people timidly ask Harry and I about our love life, which is nonexistent for the both of us, which is what we have told everyone.

   Many don't believe us, so they watch us closely. It's like they are waiting for Harry and I to hug longer than normal or to share a kiss before we enter the classroom. It is really creepy, considering I have my eyes on someone.

   Yes, you all heard correctly, I Louis Tomlinson, have a special person in mind. I don't think that I like him a lot, I believe I have a crush on him. You know how a crush and liking someone are completely different.

  It was already the end of the day and I was getting ready for my performance, even though I don't know my song or who was picking it. I had faith that whoever was going to draw my name, would pick a good song.

  My whole class was sitting behind the curtains, drawing names out of the bowl he had. One by one, everyone picked a folded piece of paper, me being the last one. I picked the last sheet as Mr. Nissen said we could open the paper.

   I slowly opened the paper and saw a name I was glad I got, Ed Sheeran. I have talked to him a few times while we were in the lunch line, he is a pretty cool guy. I walked over to him and smiled as I turned the paper to face him.

   "Hmm, let me think. For you, Edward, I want you to sing Hit Me Baby One More Time by Brittany Spears. Have fun." I watched as a small smile formed on his lips before I walked off. I sat down in a seat on the wall and started to hum with my closed.

   I felt a body sit next to me, but I decided to ignore them. I felt them shift slightly, their knee hitting mine. I opened my eyes to see Zayn looking at me. I smiled at him until he smiled back before sitting up.

   "What song do you have and who did you get?" I asked him.

   "I got Pumped Up Kicks and I had Harry, so that was pretty easy. Have you gotten yours yet?" Zayn asked as he leaned back in the seat next to me. I shook my head before looking forward at the class.

   People were still in groups talking to each other. Harry was on his phone while singing quietly to himself. He was probably searching the lyrics to the song Zayn gave him.

    "Not yet. I'm hoping I get it soon though because the show is about to start and I need to know whatever song I am getting." I mumbled as I closed my eyes again. Zayn patted my leg before I felt him get up and leave. I took a deep breath in and thought about my few days here.

    Since I started here, five days ago, my mom has only called twice, I haven't heard from my sisters, my uncle has hardly been home, my friends text me while I am at school so I can't respond, and I can't have any new friends over. My new life is great, hint the sarcasm.

    I really hope I can go home soon. I miss my old teachers, well, most of them. I miss my friends, but mainly, I miss my family. I miss being able to come home and see my sisters come running to me. I would, normally, pick them up and ask how their day was. We would lay under a blanket as a movie played on the screen until my mom got home.

   With the older girls, I would hug them and then help them with their homework. Of course, we would get into an argument, but it would never last long. I guess you could say we were a close family.

   My thoughts were interrupted when someone kicked my shoe, at least I assume it was a someone. I opened my eyes to see Niall smiling happily at me. He looked like he just won the lottery.

   "Niall! Come join me!." I patted the seat that Zayn had occupied moments ago. Niall sat down and turned to me. I stared at him, waiting for him to state why he came over here.

   "Oh, sorry. I got your name in the bucket drawing thing. I want you to sing Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute. I don't know if you know the song but I thought it would sound great with your voice. Okay, well I have to go practice now. See you out there." Niall got up and left where Liam handed him a sheet of paper, probably his lyrics.

   I pulled my phone out and searched the song. Before I played it, I walked to the bathroom where I listened to the song before trying to sing it. The walls gave a great echo of my voice, helping me to practice. I sang the song a few times until I was confident that I had it down.

   I walked out of the bathroom, running the song through my head. The show had already started, but I was near the bottom because of my last name. Many people came and went, in groups or as soloists.

   I walked to the bathroom and washed my face with some cool water. I was really nervous, I haven't sung in front of a bug audience, normally it was my close friends and family. Now, it was in front of people I didn't know.

  I left the bathroom, knowing it wasn't going to do anything to stay in there. I paced the floor as some kid who was after Harry in line went.

    "Louis, you're up!" Mr. Nissen called to me. I stopped my pacing and looked over at him. He was smiling brightly at me.

    I walked over to where he handed me a microphone. I let out a shaky breath before I stepped on stage. There was a bright spotlight shinning down on me. I looked out in the crowd for a familiar face before the music started.

   I smiled as I found the one I was looking for. I felt slightly more confident, but not much. The music started up and my eyes widened.

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