Chapter Three

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His timing sucked, but I love him all the same. Hayden hasn't left my side in two weeks. He walks me to class, kisses me in public and it's obvious he doesn't care about all the stupid bullshit everyone talks about us. He cares enough that he got suspended for hitting someone so hard he broke their nose. I love this guy, I really do. Its kinda scary because I am giving him everything I have left to give. I don't want him to crush me because I have been let down way to many times and I just can't.
The same classes everyday the same old same old, but I haven't said a word to Mr.Marshall since I got back he has tried to talk to me over and over again but I don't want to deal with him.

"Cassie, you will see me after class that's an order." an order bitch please I have nothing to say to him and I don't want to have anything to say to him.

"Cassie I see that you're grades are improving. That is quite the turn around for someone who is going through, how do I put this, a difficult time."

"A difficult time, a difficult time! Don't beat around the bush, I tried to kill myself Mr. Marshall so excuse me if talking to the person who single handedly sent me over the edge is the last thing I want to do. I was expecting some type of apology from you but now all I want to do is transfer out of your class, you frustrate me like you know I can do better then everyone else and that's why you push me a little harder then everyone else. I am an exceptional student and you are making harder for me to be that exceptional student. I am full of passion for this class. Hell I love this class but you cant even pull your head out of your ass to see how much of myself I actually pour into this class. Now I will either accept an apology or a letter for a transfer."

"There she is, there is the girl that walked into my class on that first day. the girl that had fire in her eyes the girl who had so much passion she wasn't afraid of getting in a discussion or yelling for no reason at all. I've been trying to get her to come back out."

"I didn't even notice she was gone."

"See you just needed a reminder. You are the best student I have ever had my most passionate student and I wanted that girl back. And here she is standing in front of me. You are free to go Ms. Carmichael."

Hayden grabbed me outside the school when I was done and we headed home. Home, I word I never thought I'd ever think of again. I knew there were possibly going to be temporary homes in random places new starts every few months or so. but this is it. This is my home with my boyfriend and two loving people who take care of me like I was Hayden's sister but I am not because that would be to weird. All the same I am still glad that I finally have another place to call home. Another place that feels like home. My dad was my home but now it's here with Michael, Amber, and Hayden. I feel like I could be my best here, Michael convinced me to go to school. Hayden keeps me going to school, even when I don't want to. Amber well she loves taking me shopping. Michael has been talking about maybe getting me a car for my birthday, I keep telling him no but I feel like he doesn't actual listen to me when I say something. This is my family, my home, and this is my life.

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