Demons, Humans, and Fairies

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A/N: Please remember that I am working with hyperblossomppgz and that she need to get some of the credit too! X3 ❤

~~~Mabel's POV~~~

I was in the forest again when I was him. The guy from yesterday. This time I took a moment to actually look at him. He had soft looking ivory skin, and soft golden hair. He wore a yellow suit, and had a maple cain with a gold tip. I stood there in awe... he was just so cute!

His lips slowly slid into a smirk. "Why thank you." He said in a smooth voice... I blushed. Wait! Can he reading minds?! I asked myself, and to my horror he replied. "Why yes I can, Sweetie." He said playfully. I blushed harder with embarrassment. "Shut up, and who are you anyways?!" I asked annoyed.

The person before me chuckled, but then responded. "You'll find out soon, love." He said before fading from my dream.... in fact.. everthing did. I think someone was calling my name.




Bill laid in his bed, staring up at his ceiling with a bored expression. "That's because I am bored." He said breaking the forth wall. "If you have to explain that to those idiots. Why make this story." He said annoyed.

Bill growled. "ARE YOU REALLY GONNA DESC-""JUST GET ON WITH YOUR F***ING LIFE, AND LET ME DO MY JOB!" A wise voice said annoyed as fu**. Bill sighed, And slowly climbed out of his bed.

After his little chat with his fairy, Bill has be awaiting the moment to see her again. He smirked at the thought as he walked outside his small house in the town of Gravity Falls. Some of the town's folk stop and gave Bill a happy smile, and wave. One that Bill happily returned.

You could say Bill was a pillar of the community. Many people looked at Bill as someone who was honest, caring, and wise. Oh how wrong they are. Bill walked down the street, as he hummed a happy tone to himself....

That was until someone bumped into him.

"Oof!"A soft female voice said as they landed on the ground. Bill blinked his blue eyes before he looked down. "Oh I apologize Susan!" Bill said as he held out his hand for Susan to take.

(A/N: Before we go any further! I really like Lazy Susan, I think she's a really sweet character! So I'm changing her up! X3)

"No it my fault! I should have watched where I was going!" Susan said in a bubbly voice. The woman before Bill was Susan, she owned one of the only Dinners in town.

She had purple grey-ish hair that was pulled into a bun, and covered up her left eye. Bill would see why, but he actually liked Susan. She was a kind person, and one of the very rare smart people in the town...

That wasn't to say she isn't dense.

Bill smiled as he pulled Susan to her feet. "Why are you in such a hurry Su?" Bill asked jokingly. Susan smiled. "Actually I was looking for you, Handsome!" Susan said Pulling Bill along with her.

Bill eyes widen. "S-Susan! I have plans!" He cried running through the crowd of people. Susan smiled, her eye that wasn't covered by hair sparkled with excitement.

"Yep! With me!" She said happily. Bill gave a good natured sigh, he and Susan where good friends. So he really didn't mind helping her out. Bill smiled and looked behind him.

I'll see you soon, my star.

A/N: And we're done! I know I said we would see what Ford, and Stan look like, but I guess you'll have to see in the next chapter! Sorry I took so long guys.

I promise to do better.

Again this was a team effort between me and hyperblossomppgz Next chapter we will definitely see what's up with everyone!

✌BYE✌...for now. OωΟ

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2017 ⏰

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