Perfect -Single

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Please don't take my work! Characters belong to Himaruya Hidekaz.

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I sighed as I breathed in the cold winter air. It was almost Christmas, but still the weather refused to let it snow. Even though it was still -20°C (-4°F). I walked through the street, too cold to run home. Street lights had flickered on a while ago, and the cars sped by totally ignoring everything else. I worried about what my mother said before.

"I still don't understand what that poor man sees in you..." My mother sighed. "Look at you, he could do so much better."

Of course, my mother was the type of person who just said whatever she though. It was funny. The woman who always said she loved you unconditionally, had just shot you out of your happy-go-lucky, dream state. She did that a lot. I brought my mitten covered hands up to my face, and tried to warm my face from the biting cold.

I stuffed my mittens into my shoulder bag, and shoved my hands into my pockets. I really did love my long coat, with the white wool trim and flannel red coloured design. I pulled the dark red large knit scarf up, and breathed in the smell it came with.

I let out a content sigh and a melancholy smile. Was he really too good for me? Sure, he was totally perfect, and I was nothing but a huge mess. I mean, how did he even come to fall for me? He had so many people (Anyone, really) that would be happy to go out with him. How did he fall for a klutz, who couldn't stay organized, and only loved to bake? I didn't know.

Maybe if I broke up with him, he'd be happy, right? I stared at the dress store window, as I looked at an amazing red dress. My attention was moved away from the dress when I saw a happy couple walk out. The boy was making stupid jokes, and his boyfriend was laughing to them. I smiled as they walked passed me. The waved at me and went back to talking about stupid jokes.

My attention went back to the ground as I started walking again. People focused on their phones walked past me, and people with families.

Soon, however it seemed that people stopped walking past me, and I was alone on the street. A car swiftly rushed beside me, and I felt cold drops on my face. I looked up, and saw snow gently falling from the sky.

"Hey," I spoke to the air "Am I really good enough for him? I mean, c'mon, he's perfect... and I'm.... not." I sighed and was started walking again.


"Ack!" I yelled as I was pushed to the ground. "H-hey!" I turned around to face a German Shepperd. "B-berlitz? W-where's Ludwig?" I asked the dog, as I stroked his head and rubbed his ears. Berlitz sat down in front of me, and the snow fell around the dog and I.

"{Your Name}!" I heard a harsh sounding voice exclaim.

"O-oh! H-hey Ludwig..." I said awkwardly. He was there when my mother kept making comments about how I looked, and how he could do much better. Ludwig rushed in front of me, when Berlitz moved to my side.

"{Your Name}..." Ludwig said and tugged me into his chest. Cars passed by us loudly. I could tell he was nervous about doing this. His heartbeat was beating unevenly. He had always been embarrassed about physical contact. But right now, he seemed to throw that away.

"L-ludwig...?" I muttered as he slowly stroked my hair.

"She lied." Huh? What was he talking about? "Your mother, she was lying. You, you are so perfect. Believe me, I always wonder how I even got you to fall for me..."

I was so shocked, "W-what..?" Only a few seconds later I giggled. "How funny..." I muttered.

"Pardon?" Ludwig asked.

"We both were worried that we were too imperfect for each other. But you, Ludwig, you're the most perfect boyfriend I've ever had, thank you so much." I looked up at Ludwig's flustered face and smiled with my eyes closed. "I love you!"

Ludwig sighed and smiled, "You're the most perfect girlfriend I've had. I love you too..." Then he leaned down, and kissed me slowly, and gently. Like he always does.

And with the dim lights, and snow falling. This moment, was perfect.

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