What do you think of Finn?

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Finn? He's ok, I guess. He's totally in love with me though. One time, I caught him trying to sneak up and cut my lumpin' hair. After i told him to get off my lumps, I was all, "Get in touch with your feelings, babe!" Another time, a few years later, Finn put the moves on me, and I was all, "Oh Glob, I knew it" and we made out 'cause I was bored. It was a one-time thing though. Whatever. I've known him for years, and he's one of my only REAL friends, besides those posers who only love me because I'm smokin' hot. *Single tear rolls down* Finn is different. Finn showed me that true lumps are on the inside, like your soul, or whatever. It was really cool, I guess. If you want to hear more, just read my book. It's called "I Wrote a Book." I might post it up here at some point. Don't rush me.


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