Thomas: panic! At the disco. He loves singing along to write sins not tragedies, and it'll always get stuck in your head when he sings or hums it.
Newt: Beyoncè. You occasionally joke that he'd leave you for her if he could, and to joke back he shrugs as though considering it. You sometimes have to tickle it out of him before he'd admit he likes you over her.
Minho: Fallout boy. Never, ever in your life, memories or not, you've never heard anyone quote so many bands in a day. It's so repetitive you wonder if everything he says is just quotes from songs by them you've never heard. Centuries is basically his theme song.
Gally: Sam Smith. Sam smith is probably the most emasculating thing you could be into in the glade unless you were you or Teresa. Everyone else didn't know but you caught Gally singing along to stay with me one day. He thinks it's nerdy and is kind of shy about it but you think it's cute.
the maze runner imagines and preferences
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