I'm Sorry Baby

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One Hour.

One agonizing hour is how long daddy left me, tied up with a dildo inside me, without the ability to come. The pleasure I was enduring was so much it hurt, but the pain made it feel ten times better. It was the best and worse feeling I've even experienced, and I would love to feel it again. Daddy came in with a smirk on his face and slowly walked towards me.

"Daddy! Please!" I sobbed out thrashing around. He reached for the remote and turned the vibrations off.

"Flip over, baby." he said softly. I quickly rolled over onto my stomach and he undid the handcuffs. I immediately grabbed onto the sheets so hard my knuckles turned white. I thrusted my hips into the mattress finally feeling the friction I had been longing for.

He grabbed my hips and flipped me over again, moving the dildo, making me moan out more. He slowly removed the cock ring off my hard and red shaft making me moan in relief. He grabs my member and pumps me once and that's enough for me to shoot ten long spurts of cum onto my chest and chin while I scream out in complete and utter bliss.

"Good job, baby. Daddy's so proud of you." he smirks tracing two fingers in the cum on my chest. After he collects the cum off my chest he puts his fingers in his mouth and moans. "You taste so good, baby boy." He scoops so more onto his fingers before shoving them into my mouth. I suck the salty liquid off his fingers not tasting as bad as it did the first time. "See, it's not so bad is it?"

"No, Daddy." I whisper still trying to catch my breath.

"Good." He smirks before lowering his head down to my chest. His warm tongue darts out and licks up all the cum from my chest and chin slowly, maintaining eye contact, making me arch my back and moan.

After he collects all the cum in his mouth he crashes his lips into mine making me gasp is surprise. He waists no time pushing his tongue into my mouth. I moan into the kiss grabbing his hair and tugging on it making him moan. The kiss is slow yet full of lust, and his tongue taste of my cum. After swishing the cum between both of our mouths he pulls away. I swallow the cum I have in my mouth and let go of his hair.

"I'm gonna take this out, Okay?" He says flipping me over. I nod my head as he kisses the bottom of my back just above my bum. He grabs the base and slowly pulls it out making me whimper and fist the sheets at the sensitivity I was feeling. "Shh. It's alright." He says before pulling it out the rest of the way. I whimper at the feeling of being empty and clench around nothing.

Daddy crawls to the top of the bed and sits resting his back and head against the headboard. He pats his lap making me crawl over and straddle him.

"I'm so sorry I had to punish you, baby. I hate hurting you, but you know the rules, love, and if you don't follow them then I'm going to have to punish you. You understand that right." He asks making his voice soft and soothing.

"Yes. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, Daddy." I say quietly. He cups my right cheek brushing his thumb across it as I lean into the soft touch.

"It's okay. Lets get you cleaned up and then we can stop by your flat for a little bit, alright?" I smile and nod quickly.


Im so sorry I made you guys wait so long omf I hadn't realized it had been so long

this isn't edited yet but ill get to it soon

also I'm going to be changing the title of every chapter so I'm sorry for the spam 

I also wanted to know if you guys wanted any drama in this story or if you would just like me to stick to strictly smut and fluff

just want to know so comment and let me know

I love you guys so much

thanks for reading

Stockholm Syndrome   <<Narry>>Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora