When a family breaks another forms part 2: hjhknhjgyuhbgpghvthjbghkhgghukmh :-(

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"In When a family breaks another forms part 1: the broken family" Said a fading Apple Pie
Brian's POV
Apple Pie just got back from Cantalot without Dashie
"AP where's Dashie?" I asked calmly, no response
"Apple Pie? Where is she?" I asked nervous he handed me a note that read
'Blame Celestia RainDash doesn't remember me but she remembers everything else it was like she was never on earth with me!' I was shocked to see Apple Pie start to fade
"Sorry Apple Pie but I had to remove you from time to restart it from the storm that took you and Rainbow Dash to Brian's world." Said a very disappointed Celestia
"Thanks Celestia for freeing us" said Discord, Sombra and what sounded like the Candymare from the Creepypasta 'Something Sweet To Bite' but how he has never acted like her except Halloween
"Crap!" I said
"Celestia, welcome to hell!" All of us said in unison.
"Now let us resume in part 2" Apple Pie said turning into the main character from Undertale

Apple Pie's POV
"Goodnight everypony and you Dad for a good few months." I said using the rest of my energy and power to write a farewell note to Dad
"Dad catch!" I yelled as threw a piece of paper as soon as I threw it I completely faded.

Brian's POV
As I caught the note AP wrote for me I saw Celestia tear up as she did the first as I read it chaos was being caused. The note read
Sorry to keep this secret from you for all this time but not even Pinkie Pie doesn't know about this but I am... Well was I guess? Anyway I was also infused with an element of harmony that nopony knew about but I think Celestia knew about it. It was the element of dark magic I prevent too much dark magic to be used but with me gone nopony can prevent Sombra using alot of dark magic.
The Secret Multicolour Alicorn
Apple Pie
The Secret Multicolour Alicorn AP always called himself that when all of us linked dreams
"Celestia?" I asked
"Yes, Brian?" She sounded like a Ghast from Minecraft
"Do you know about-" I was cut short
"The element of dark magic yes but I never talk about it!" She said eyes watering

Rainbow Dash's POV
"Hello?" I asked as I went looking for my other family.

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