What Happened

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Thanks RamPaigerAlyssa for answering my questions every one who wants to be featured in one of my books answer these
coat colour
mane and tail colour
Cutie Mark
Thanks now anyway the chapter.

Soarins POV
As I was flying back to Rainbow Dash's house I bumped into a pegasus with a coat colour of yellow, mane and tail colour was black with purple highlights I couldn't see any accessories her Cutie Mark was a dark blue raven.
"I'm so sorry are you ok? Miss." I paused wait she's new... Well I've never seen her before for sure. I thought to myself
"I'm sorry what's your name?" I asked
"Night Raven. Whatever you do don't annoy me for your own good. Ok!" She snarled the last words
"Ok!" I shouted through clenched teeth.

Rainbow Dash's POV
How much longer must I stay here I thought to myself bored Soarin should be back by now
"Sorry ran into a new pegasus." He said closing the door behind him
"It's ok. tell me do you know what happened yesterday?" I asked him not knowing where I am.

Pinkie's POV
"I'm fine just tired... Hey Apple Pie you're up." I said excited but not too excited to scare him

"Where am I? One minute I'm at home with Dad and Rainbow Dash and now I'm here. What happened yesterday?" Apple Pie asked scared
"One minute." I said going out of his line of sight and ending up at Twilight's house.
"Twilight we have a problem!" I said
"Make it two problems!" Soarin said
"What are the problems?" Twi asked
"They still remember that man from the other world." Me and Soarin said
"Well I realised that when I woke up do the memory spell I dare you!" Said a voice that sounded like Sombra and Apple Pie
"Wait Apple Pie stop!" Rainbow Dash yelled angrily flying in through the window
"But..." Apple Pie was cut short
"But nothing! Go back to sleep for five more minutes mister!" Rainbow yelled
"Ok." AP said
"Rainbow. Why do you stop my fun?" A voice asked
"Discord go away. Now is not the time!" Dashie said
"Blame the rescue team and the leader for this." Discord said chuckling.

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