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I got tagged by RockChick02 and so, yeah ...
I couldn't find a picture so I had to copy paste it off of DeviantArt, so XP

The 13 Rules:
1. You have to post these rules.
2. Each person has to share 13 things about them.
3. Answer the 13 questions asked to you and invent 13 questions the people you tag will answer.
4. Choose 13 people (If you can).
5. Go to their page and inform them that they've been tagged.
6. Not something like, "You're tagged if you read that."
7. You have to legitimately tag 13 people.
8. You can't say that you don't do tags.
9. Tag-backs ARE allowed.
10. YOU MUST MAKE A JOURNAL ENTRY. NO COMMENTS. Unless you're commenting about the actual entry.
11. You have to finish within a week. If not; you'll have to do whatever the creator tells you to. Art, RP, etc.
12. Be creative with the title. No "I've been tagged" things.
13. Cussing IS allowed

Let's jump right in! Oh gods, I'm scared.

13 MORE facts about me.

-Favorite colour? Gray, then black, then blue. :3

-Least favorite colour? Pink or Orange. D:<

-Do you believe in stereotypes? No, people can be whatever they want to be, like a Slytherin can be good, or friends with a Gryffindor.

-Do you believe in the Holy Emo Trinity? (MCR, FOB, and P!ATD?) YAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!

-Do you believe in the supernatural? Yes. No explanation.

-If you could have any unique superpower, what would it be (eg., not the ability to fly)? Telekinesis or Chronokinesis.

-What was the first Wattpad story you ever read? I dunno, probably a Harry Potter one.

-Are you currently following Wattpad? Yes, I am.

-What do you want to do with your life? Umm... I DON'T KNOWWWWWWWWWW *hides in corner rocking back and forth as I contemplate the existence of the universe*

-Favourite band(s)? Skillet, FOB, MCR, and, P!ATD. THE HOLY EMO TRINITY! WORSHIP! And another band XP.

-First thing you think of after reading the phrase "I got troubled thoughts and the self-esteem to match"? Uhm. Me? ... Moving on...

-Xbox or Playstation? PC (^~^)

-Du you wuv me? Yush, gurl. I wuv chu :3

And that's all 13 questions, now let's ask you guys some >:D

1. Do you know someone gay/lesbian/bisexual?

2. Holy Emo Trinity? Yes? No? (MCR, FOB, P!ATD)

3.Favourite colour? (the horror!! *waits for things to be thrown at me* AHHH *ducks*)

4. Have you ever thought about suicide/cutting?

5. How old are you?

6.Do you love your friends and family?

7. Wanna be friends?

8. Do you play sports, if so, which one?

9. Where are you from?

10. Can you help me learn Italian? XD

11. Will you tag me back? (please don't)

12. Do you watch Mlp Fim (are you a brony basically)?

13. DU CHU LUV ME?!?!?!? :3

I tag:







5_seconds_of_MUSIC_ Didn't Raven tag you too? XD




Man, this is taking longer than I wished it would XP, the things I do for my friends cx




Finally, I was running out of people I knew, personally, I was about to go to random people XD

That took me about 45 minutes, and I did only one

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