Chapter 1

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Hello mortals! It's Melody Lauleyson/Odinson. Age is 15, well how do I say it. I'm old yep I said that. Today is my and Kat's birthday. Loki and Thor are already 20. Lucky ducks. I haven't seen Thor and Kat for awhile now. Me and Loki played a trick on all-father and we got banded. In a terract,no one will free us till now.
The portal freed us..finally.
Nick: put the spear down both of you!
We put up a fight. It was fun playing with the midgardians. I mind-control this guy named Agent Barton. Cool.
Loki: we still need that.
Me: put it down,now!
Doc: the place is falling apart we need to escape
Me: ok
Agent Barton shot Nick and he got the terract. We go to the vehicles and get in one.
Skip a tiny bit of time
The avengers are all together and trying to find us. It's a bit funny!
Loki: you look distance,sister
Me: just thinking
Barton: we need this and an eye
Me: I got the eye with Loki and you Barton you get that thing we need.
Barton: ok
Skip time to the museum
Me and Loki are going to get that eye. It's easy to get it.
Loki: are you excited sister
Me: of course
We get to the person and put him on that table and stick that thing in his eye and we got it. Me and Loki change to our god/goddess amour. We go outside and I hear a cop car and flip it with my magic.
Loki: kneel you mortals
No one kneels
Loki: KNEEL!!
Some people kneel
Me: KNEEL!!!!!!!!
Everyone kneels now
Me: better
Then someone stands up
Me: who is this standing in front of everyone!
Loki: sister, let me deal with him
Then loki try's to shoot the guy and his other guy comes in and saves him
Loki and battle then I hear music and an other guy comes in.
Ironofman: enough the both of you!
Loki: run,sister!!!
Then "captain America" grabbed me and put me in the ship with Loki. Then it started raining and thundering
Cap: are you guys scared of a little storm 
Me: we are not fod of what follows

Cliffhanger!!! Noooooo!!!

Loki and Thor sisters(fanfic)*completed*Where stories live. Discover now